Chapter 32

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Tofu is DELICIOUS and they should be appreciated more. Just wanted that out there lol


I drag Jason to a secluded place behind a building. He looks confused, but at the same time amused. A teasing yet handsome smile on his lips.

"What's going on?" He still has that smile as he asks, and I try to play it off.

"Nothing" I casually kick a stone, "So, what is it about Thursday?".

He nervously rubs the behind of his head while biting his lower lip, making my insides melt into a puddle. I don't show it though.

"I just wanted to warn you in before hand that I can't watch horror movies"

"What?" I ask in disbelief with my jaw hitting the ground. I correct myself immediately when I notice Jason's blushing and biting his lip harder.

"Stop that" I command and point at his bottom lip, "I didn't really want to watch a horror movie anyway, so it's fine. So don't bite that hard- it'll bleed".

His lip biting gets replaced with a big grin. One that shows all of his white teeth in the most spectacular way. "Great! Let's meet up by my car after school then. See you!" Then he walks off.

Did he meet me only for that? How cute.


I walk back to a very unhappy Valerio. The big sulky baby is back again.

"I wasn't gone that long" I state and sit down beside him. He doesn't move away, or closer. Just still.

"What were you talking about?" He asks and stares into the distant. Like he can see his enemy miles away.


"What was it about Thursday?" He interrupts me and gives me a glare. I stay calm.

"We're planning our speech for graduation ceremony" I half lie. We'll probably talk about the speech while waiting for the movie.

Valerio looks unsatisfied and suspicious of me, but after I smile at him he lets it go. He sighs and stand up, offering me a hand which I accept.

"Lets go home. There's nothing more you need to do here right?" I nod and we quickly pack the stuff. Our way home is silent and uncomfortable, and it does make feel guilty for hiding it away from him. It's just that telling him would make him even more anxious, and I want to avoid that much as possible.

When arriving home I notice that everyone are in the living room. Kai speaks up first.

"How was school, baby girl?" He hugs me and I laugh when he begins rubbing his cheek against mine. His foundation transfers to my skin as well, but he wipes it off.

"Good. Valeiro joined in as well" I notice that Alessio is gone, so I ask where he is.

"He's dealing with some business. Since he has been gone so long there's much he has to catch up to. There's a letter for you as well " Matteo answers with a gentle smile, and hands me the envelope. I nod and thank him.

I open up the letter and notice it's from my parents. I excuse myself and seek privacy in my room, where I continue reading the letter.

On the letter are pictures of mama and papa in different places. Cities and countrysides. They write how good they have it, the food, the people and how much they miss me. They're also sorry how late this letter is. Explaining that it was tough to find the time to sit down and write a proper letter, when they also had to settle down in the foreign culture and country.

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