Chapter 5

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I recognized the road too the Drago house. The leading car, where Valerio and his parents are, drove through the gates when they opened. I'm sitting in the last and third car, clenched between two scary looking men. 

I'm still trembling and so confused. I though my brain was smart, but I can't seem to keep up with what's happening. 

We continue driving through the same road I have driven all these years or walked through, but now they look all different. It feels like I'm entering a forbidden land, where people like me only come in, but never out. 

I was so sucked into my own little world, I didn't even notice we had parked and I got pulled out the SUV. My eyes widen as I see the same parking lot I parked on yesterday, but full of black cars.

"Are you having a party or event NOW?!" I say in confusion more to myself, but scary-looking-guy #1 heard.

"No. Do yourself a favor and shut you're mouth" scary-looking-guy #1 say

"Either that or have it open around my di-" scary-and-nasty-looking guy #2 say, but get interrupted by Valerios furious shouting,

"Hurry up! I don't have all day?" 

Oh really? Because before all this messed up shit happened, we were going to be lazy in you're room eating mcDonalds and watch movies. 

Valerio keep walking in the front while I'm being dragged after by these cavemen behind. He hasn't looked at me since the park and neither Ale or Kajetan. They all look like strangers now with these faces I have never seen before. 

We step inside the now-threatening mansion and Valerio turn and finally glance at me. He then points at the man holding my arm and turn his back too us to continue walking.

"You're dismissed. tre (three), I want a report on who they are and where I can find them, now" 

As I get pulled in the same direction as Valerio is walking, which is up the stairs, I see the men dissolve. Some of them staying in the house, but many leaving. 

It remind me of mobs and mafias. I'v read my fair share of mafia themed books, and this really remind me of those.

              In the past, all the doors, beside Valerios bedroom, in the second and third floor are locked. My heart raced even faster when Valerio opens a a double door of dark oak. I have never been there. He has said it's just guest rooms or waste of space, but my gut tells me it's not anymore. 

I have kept my mouth shut this whole time, but when I see the room I can't help but gasp.
It's an office.  An office desk is in the far wall with the Drago's emblem hanging on the wall behind it. The same emblem on the gates and one of Valerios tattoos; A dragon curled up in a circle.
The walls are covered in book-filled shelves and the carpet floor is dark blue. Two love-seats are placed opposite each other with a rectangular table between. The office desk is filled with paper and a stationary computer stands in in the middle of it. The light is dim, even though Valerio turned the chandelier on. No windows and only one door.

"Leave us" Valerio's voice is so unfamiliar. It's distant and dark. Not his usual deep, manly voice, but a voice who promises pain if not obeyed. 

The man let's me go, bows and backs away with his front too us. The door shuts in a soft *click* and we're finally all alone. 

Valerio had his back too me, but he turned too look at me. He was about to say something, but stop when he see me digging in my purse again. I empty it's content again and check it's pockets.

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