Chapter 10

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"Can I tell you a story?" She asks, but show a face that won't accept a no.

I nod, "Go ahead".

"A long long time ago there were twins consisting of a girl and a boy. The twins never knew about their real parents, because the orphanage they lived in never knew who they were. Only that they were left on the doorstep and alone. The twins got adopted some years after by an old man. He worked as a ringmaster in a circus and recruited the twins. They trained for a year till the boy became a sword master and the girl a line dancer.

"At first it was a dream come true. It was fun and exciting living like that and they traveled a lot. The performances was fun and filled of laughter and encouragement. But as they got older and older and understood more, the fun and exciting circus was not the same.

"The ringmaster sexually abused women in the circus every night. The animals was abused and starved for obediance. Training got harder and life threatening, and the ringmaster expected better and better performances. No one was happy and fake smiles was skillfully perfected for the performances."

The woman stopped talking. I was looking out too the distance, but I glance at her. I know she's talking about herself, and I'm both confused and honored that she's telling me this tough and sad past. The woman looks collected and calm, but a closer look and I can see her hands slightly trembling and glossy eyes.

She take a deep breath, smile too me which I return, and continued her story.

"Everyone wanted to escape, including the twins. The older the twin girl became the closer she became a part of the Ringmasters assault. Her twin brother promised to protect her, but she knew that he couldn't. They needed to survive. They had to stay, because they didn't know anything about the outside world.

"The twins are now eleven years old. The twin girl was still in the main tent practicing her part too perfection after a successful performance earlier that evening. Her twin brother are watching her from far below with pride in his eyes. He's sharpening his knifes and cleaning his swords while humming to himself. The ringmaster comes in furious and calls for the twin sister."

By the way the woman is telling her tale, I know a turning point is happening. Something horrible and sad. The woman inhales and exhales, like preparing herself for her inner battle and continues.

"Someone had accused the twin sister for stealth, and he demanded her meeting him in his personal tent to meet her consequences."

I gasp and look at her wide eyed. She just glances at me in the brim of crying then looks back too the distance. She was only eleven!

"The girl hadn't steal anything, but knows that the ringmaster made that up, like every woman he did. She knew what her consequence was. She climbed down too meet her doom, but her twin brother stopped her and stood between her and the ringmaster. He claimed that his sister didn't steal anything, because she'd been with him the whole time. The ringmaster turned a blind eye to his claim and demanded proof.

"Neither didn't have any, but the twin brother would offer anything to prove her innocent. The twin sister was against it. She knew her brother would really scarifies himself for her. ANYTHING. She didn't care about herself. She was ready for her turn, but all in exchange for her brother having a full stomach and roof over his head.

"Finally the ringmaster demanded that the twin brother would sacrifice his left eye. The one he would close to aim before throwing a knife. And he would do it himself, in that moment."

Her face is snow white and she's sweating. The tears are finally flowing down her face and she wiped them away. I feel bad that she's telling her past for a stranger like her when its obviously a painful and private thing. I don't feel worthy of knowing it, but I also know how important it is to talk about painful things.

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