Chapter 7

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"Boss. Aria. We have things to discuss"

Ale and Kajeran rise and bow with the rest of the people before sitting back down. They all are wearing that emotionless stone face and dressed in black clothes. It reminds me of a funeral. I just hope it's not mine.

I panic when Valero let go of my hand, but calm down when he place it on the small of my back. Valerio escorts me too the love seat opposite Ale and Kajetan, and we sit down.

Valerio puts his left ankle over his right knee and get himself comfortable. I sit beside him like a stick and look at the people surrounding us. I hope this is not an execution. No. Valerio wouldn't let it happen. I trust him, even after all this shit that happened.

Ale clears his throat, gaining my attention, "Compared to the rest of our famiglia, these in this room are...safer, Aria".

I gulp and just nod. Glancing the last time towards the person standing closest to me too my left. He wears an black eye patch, but I see the start and end of a scar peeking out of it. The man is well build and lean. His shoulder length, brown hair tied in a man bun.

I quickly glance away when he look down and catch me staring at him. How embarrassing. I focus on the task ahead.

"We have given you three hours where Boss explain the situation. I sincerely hope you asked the right questions, because they will be helping you on your decision." Ale say with an Italian accent. Both Ale, Kajetan, Papi and Mami has that same accent, but not me and Valerio.

"what decision?" I ask confused, but my intuition is telling me it's bad.

I'm going to be executed aren't I? Fuck, I knew it. Because I know their secret and been inside their house. Maybe it's revenge from the vase I once bumped into and broke?

"Aria. Kajetan, Boss and I have been looking after you AND your surroundings all the time. We made sure for thirteen years, that no one from the underground knew about you -and Boss's relationship...but we messed up today. Within these three hours, your name been spreading though our world like a virus. You are now known as a direct connection for the Boss of the Drago famiglia in our world, and there are some....quite interesting people we don't want you stand face to face with. Not even indirect."

Ale stop and watch me closely. I could also feel Valerio's eyes on my side, but I didn't shrink away. Not because I wasn't afraid, but because I was about to piss my pants. I am so afraid that my body is trembling and tears glossing my eyes. I look like Bambi surrounded my wolfs.

I flinch when something suddenly touch my left shoulder, but sigh of relive when I see it's Valerios hand. He covers my shoulders and pull me into his side. I feel so protected in his arm. Like nothing and nobody can touch me. I nod for Ale to continue.

His stone face never slipped this whole time, before now. A sad and sympathetic smile breaks the cover and sadness flashes in his eyes. I also notice Kajetan's hand slightly trembling. Her blue eyes are also glossy, but she still looks stunning. She is a prime example of "age is just a number". "Flaw" and "Wrinkles" are still not in her vocabulary. She is convinced that her thick and wavy hair is blond, just very light blond, but I know it's white. Not white by age, but like her natural hair color.

"Here is the deal; you can either join the famiglia, or escape too Asia"

I gasp and blink making some tears fall down. I feel Valerios hand on my shoulder tighten and his body stiff slightly. Not noticeable, if it weren't for me leaning on him. Ale continues.

"We will support economically with the moving, but not further. You will have to live there with your parents till we signal that it's safe, and I can't say how long it will be. Years at least. We will handle your parents, so you do not need to worry about that. The catch, however, is that you will not be allowed to contact us, including Valerio, while you're there. No text, mail or even postcards. Niente (Nothing)."

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