Chapter 8

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The stubborn and reckless Mafia king was so convinced that he didn't need the hospital. He said stuff like "I know my limits" and "It only need time".

When his head is stuck in his ass like that, the smartest is to let it go, but since I'm his best friend I give him the very mature....silent treatment.

We're in his room now. Both in our own corners, being three years old and stubborn. Him on his bed and me imitating a ball on the floor in the diagonal corner.

Facing the corner, and my back to him.

He would crack and try to talk to me, but I won't give in till he agrees on getting professional help. I just bandaged his shoulder as tight as I could to put pressure on the wound, but I'm worried it's not enough.

"You can keep ignoring me the whole day, patatina (little potato), but know it's useless" Valerio mumle loud enough from his corner diagonally from mine.


"You're so childish. Grow up"




"I don't need more treatment than this. You did good. Promise!"


"I've been through worst, Aria. I DON'T NEED ANYMORE" Valerio fianlly shouts in frustration.

I want to demand what he ment by that, but that would blow up my plan, so no. But I put a mental note to bring that up later.


"OKAY! FINE! Just be quiet then. I'm done trying and be mature."





I yelp when he lift me from the floor and throw me over his healthy shoulder. He begins spinning nd jumping with me on his shoulder around the room, but I don't react. I bite my lips together and close my eyes, holding my glasses in place.

"You want me to stop?" he shout teasingly while he jump.


He will get professional help.

Finally he let me down on his bed with a sigh. He eyes me a long time while I pout and glare at him. We are both stubborn, but this fight I won't lose in.

He exhales again and a little smile appears. Not enough for his dimples to appear.

"Okay you win. I'll get mami to take a look at it. She know her stuff. You, however, need to talk too me" Valerio says defeated.

I smile happy that I win and hug him around the waist.

"Deal!" I say and hug him tighter. He hugs me back like his life depends on it, and then reality hits me. I begin to tear up and sniff. Valerio rubs my back.

This might be one of the last hugs we'll exchange. I may not hug him like this for years, or talk, or text. Not even a fucking letter. Yet again, I won't be able to do any if I'm dead, which equals never.

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