Chapter 28

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I had just submitted my homework when a knock on the door resonated through my bedroom.

This is it, I thought before calling them inside. Joaquin, Angela and Matteo enters with excited smiles on their faces. Angela practically standing on her tip toes.

"Hey, you ready?" She asks while skipping inside and throwing herself on the bed.

"After a quick shower. It'll take five" I exchange warm smiles with the guys before disappearing into the bathroom.

After 8 days in this secluded room, I feel like I'm finally ready to face reality. It's been scary thinking of possible outcomes when meeting Valerio, but after listening to Joaquin's past I'm confident he'll still want me. Right?

I step out of the bathroom with clean clothes and more insecurity. Overthinking hasn't been a habit of mine, but I guess this is a special case.

"She actually took five minutes. I though five minutes in female language is 30 minutes" Joaquin seems pleasantly surprised as he look up from his watch. He sends an accusingly look at Angela.

"Oh shut it. You sat in the toilet longer then 30 minutes just to poop" Angela defends and glares back at him.

"That was only once, and it was because you food poisoned me!"

"I did not! We ate in a restaurant remember?"

"Yeah! You were the one who "helped" the waitress by carrying only my dish" Joaquin backfired , making Angela smile maliciously and shrug her shoulder innocently.

I couldn't help but laugh and all my previous thoughts disappears. Matteo walks up to me while Joaquin and Angela quarrels back and forth.

"How are you?" He asks and hugs me. I hug him back with a blissful smile on my face. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends now.

"I think I'm doing fine. I'm a little nervous, but I think I can do it" We part and Matteo pull me into his side while wrapping my shoulders with his arm, "I believe so too".

Matteo was able to calm Joaquin and Angela, and we are on our merry way. I open the door and take one step followed by another step outside. Separating myself from my safe place isn't the challenge, it has never been, but rather the risk of meeting Valerio.

"Where do you want to go?" Joaquin asks and offers me his elbow which I happily accept.

"What do you guys think about the kitchen and take a snack before visiting him" I suggest and they all nod in agreement. Their encouraging smiles makes me walk confidently though the hallways with a new source of strength.

The Drago famiglia.

We meet the rest of the famiglia in the kitchen and the living room. It's obvious they've been waiting for me, but they're trying to hide the fact that Angela, Joauqin and Matteo been spreading the news.

It's not everyday you see the feminine Kai casually throwing a baseball into the air before catching it with his long manicured red nails. Angelo is wearing reading glasses and reading "The notebook" upside down. The only ones who actually look natural are Allan and Alessio, because they're their usual silent selves and watching tv.

I don't point anything out and we just continue into the kitchen where Ale and Kajetan are. They're being them; flirting and being all lovey dovey. Kajetan is hand feeding Ale with Cheetos, not noticing us at all. Or acting like they don't notice.

I walk directly to the espresso machine and begin making a cup.

"Catch" Joaquin call before throwing a bag of chips towards me. Matteo catches it midway.

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