Chapter 38: Panama

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"What time does the ship leave?" Michael asks.

"Ten minutes." I tell him.

"I can't believe we're running again."

"It's different now, man." Linc assures his brother.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. We brought the bitch down." Lincoln reminds him.

"She stepped down, Linc."

"Because of us." He shrugs in return.

"And yet you're still wanted for murder."

"When you came to Fox River, remember what you said? You said, 'I'm gonna break you out of here'. I'm alive. You did that. You wanna look for the good, you look there. Come on, let's just finish what you started." says Lincoln and then he steps onto the ladder taking him up from the ground onto the boat and we follow him.

Soon enough the ship sets sail and we are headed away from Chicago, away from police and away from all this mess. Kind of. I've still got a lot of mess. 

"I thought you should know that I've decided to speak to Michael." I whisper to Lincoln as he looks over the side of the boat down into the water. Personally I don't know how he can look over the railing like that it makes my head spin and my stomach tighten in sickening knots.

"Okay." He replies blandly.

"I can understand what you're feeling." I say, "Michael risked everything to get you out and now that he has you feel like you owe him, if anything happened to him you wouldn't forgive yourself and you feel guilty. You don't want to disappoint him, you want to prove to him that you're a good man. Which you are by the way."

"I'm really not." He replies, "get on with it then, tell him."

"I need you to know that I'm not doing this to hurt you, I'm doing this because I can't act like a couple with him with you watching, knowing that I'm being two faced. Not only is it not fair on him but it's not fair on you to witness it either."

"These little speeches you give me really get in my head and tie everything in even tighter knots because you want to keep everyone else happy all the time. It's what drew me to you in the first place, your kindness." He admits.

"I wouldn't call myself kind, I've been a right cow to Sara, I should've apologised."

"There you go again." He sighs and intwines his fingers in mine.

"I won't tell him," I promise, "but I want to give him and I a chance. We haven't had a really one yet where a big scheme or running hasn't been involved."

"Yeah, of course." He says understandingly. "I can smell the beer on you, you know." He states and I look at him a little guiltily. There's a lot of that at the moment, guilt. "Don't worry, we were all angry and shocked back there and you didn't drink the entire thing which was good."

I give him a weak smile and then spot Michael coming over and he gives me a little hug, leaning against the railing. "It's time to start fresh in Panama, its all going to work out."

During our journey we here the news that Sara Tancredi has been caught and is in custody, due for a hearing soon and Michael takes this news pretty hard. He thinks it's his own fault, but we all try to act normal on the boat like everyone else and one week later we're in Cristobal, Panama, exiting the boat and standing on the dock. Free. "We made it." Lincoln smiles.

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