Getting Close

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Percy Jackson- You two were walking and talking. You never told me who your godly parent is who is it? He asked. Well my godly parent is Khione goddess of ice and snow. You said. What are you powers? He asked. I can make and control ice and snow. You said. Can you please show me? He asked. You moved your hand up and part of the ground was snowy. Wow that's amazing. He said. Thanks I know I don't have the best powers but I like them. You said. They are amazing. He said.

Jason Grace- (Before he was taken)
Hey Jason! You yelled and waved. Hey F/N! He yelled back with a smile. How's your day going? You asked. Stressful yours? He asked. Pretty good kinda boring. You said. Want to train? He asked. Sure. You said. Race you to the training grounds. You said with a smirk. Your on. He said and started to fly there. Hey no cheating! You yelled and you heard him laugh and he flew over to you and picked you up which caused an instant blush.

Leo Valdez- It was the campfire and you saw Leo. Hey it's F/N right? He asked. Yeah. You said. Daughter of Ares that's really interesting I hope I'm not a child of Ares. He said. And why is that? You asked. Because then I couldn't date you. He said with a wink. You rolled your eyes. So let me guess you are a mindless flirt. You said. I'm not a mindless flirt but I do flirt. He said. So your just mindless? You asked with a smirk which caused him to laugh. You are so funny. He said.

Frank Zhang- You saw Frank walking and you snuck up behind him. Boo! You yelled. Ahh! He yelled and looked behind him. You started to laugh. Not funny. He said with a smile. It is funny. You said. You are different then Reyna. He said. Reyna and I aren't that different. You said. You are more playful then she is. He said. That's true but Reyna and I are both very strong. You said. That's very true remind me to not hurt you or Reyna. He said. Reyna and I are close if you hurt me you hurt her. You said. And if I hurt Reyna you will hurt me. He added with a laugh. That's very true. You said.

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