You realize You like him

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Percy Jackson- You were sitting alone and making a snow flake in your hand and you sighed. You started to stare at Percy and you didn't know why but you felt something with Percy you didn't feel with other guys at camp. Is this a crush? You thought. Suddenly Grover sat by you. Hey F/N what are you staring at? Grover asked. Nothing. You said embarrassed. I can tell you were staring at something the snowflake is in a heart shape. Grover said. Let me guess you have a crush on Percy? Grover asked. I um no I don't. You stuttered with a red blush. You do! He yelled. I knew it! He added. Quiet! You yelled whispered. I won't tell him. He said.

Jason Grace- You were watching Jason train and he waved to you and you felt your heart beat faster. Hi! You yelled and waved and ran to him. Hi. He said with a smile. You smiled at him and looked into his blue eyes and you felt safe. Want to train? He asked. Okay. You said with a smile and you grabbed a sword. Ready? He asked. Ready. You said and your heart started to beat more.

Leo Valdez- You were training with Clarisse but you had someone on your mind. Leo he has been on your mind for a long time day and night and Clarisse noticed something off with you. F/N get your head in the game! She yelled. I have my head in the game! You yelled back. Talk to me what's on your mind? She asked. A boy. You said. I knew it. She said with a smirk. It's Leo isn't it? Clarisse asked. It's Leo. You said. I knew it. She said. You have a crush. Clarisse said. I don't like this crush thing it makes me not think of training. You said. Then tell Leo you like him. Clarisse said. You are a daughter of Ares you have no fears remember that. She added and walked away. I do have one and it's rejection. You whispered.

Frank Zhang- You saw Frank and you felt a little rush. Hey F/N! He yelled and waved. You waved back and ran to him. How's archery training? You asked. It's good. He said. That's really good. You said with a blush. How's training for you? He asked. My training is okay. You said. F/N come here! Reyna yelled. I have to go bye. You said and ran to Reyna. I noticed you are spending time with Frank lately do you like him? She asked. I well.. umm. You stuttered. Spit it out. She said. I do. You said. Tell him. He said. Why? You asked. He might like you back. She said. He might not. You said back. Then he is dumb. She said.

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