He Realizes He likes You

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Percy Jackson- (His POV)
I was walking with Grover. You know F/N right? I asked. Yeah she's the daughter of Khione. He said. Yeah and she's gorgeous and perfect and her powers are perfect and she's so sweet and kind. I said. Sounds like someone has a crush. Grover teased. Maybe I do. I said. Well maybe you should ask her out. Grover said. She doesn't like me. I said. I bet she does. Grover said. Maybe I'll ask her out by the camp fire tonight. I said. That's the plan. Grover said. Yes that's the plan. I said. I hope she likes me back. I thought.

Jason Grace- (His POV)
I saw F/N with her half sister. F/N is so pretty but she's more than that. She is so nice and strong and adorable and smart and she isn't like the other children of Venus she's different. I thought. Hey Jason! She yelled and waved. I waved back and I felt my face getting hot. I need to tell F/N I like her. I thought. But does she like me? I thought. I hope so. I thought. Please gods give me F/N. I whispered. I flew to F/N. F/N wait I need to tell you something! I yelled.

Leo Valdez- (His POV)
I was with Jason and Piper my best friends. Leo do you like F/N? Piper asked. What why do you think that? I asked. You were off in space and writing F/N plus Leo with your finger. Piper said. I started to blush. He does like her. Jason said. Maybe I do. I said. I think she likes you to are you going to tell her? Piper asked. I want to but I'm scared. I said. Just tell her tonight. Jason said. Okay I will but if I need a shoulder to cry on will you guys be my shoulder? I asked. Yes. They both said.

Frank Zhang- (His POV)
It was lunch and I was lost in thought. What are you thinking about? F/N asked. Uh nothing. I said blushing. Are you thinking about a girl? She asked. Maybe. I said. Who is she? Do I know her? She asked. Yes you do F/N and I'm telling her tonight. I said. I saw her make a sad face and smile. I bet she likes you too. She said. I don't think so. I said. If she doesn't then she is stupid. She said. Thanks F/N. I said.

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