He Saves You

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Percy Jackson- You were on a quest with Percy and Annabeth and the three of you were in the forest. It's so creepy in a forest at night. You said. I guess. Annabeth said. You had a weird feeling about this place so you had your guard up. Okay F/N you go straight , Percy will go right I'll go left. Annabeth said. I'll see you soon F/N. Percy said and kissed your cheek. You noticed Annabeth roll her eyes. You went straight and you had a strange feeling. Demigod. You heard someone whisper. You looked back and you noticed a monster. Empousa. You said. You grabbed your weapon and you ran away from it. The empousa ran after you. You dodged an attack. Ahhhh! You yelled. The empousa managed to scratch your cheek and your arm. You were on the ground and you waited for the empousa to strike and then you saw Percy finish the empousa. F/N are you okay? Percy asked. I'm fine. You said. Your hurt. He said looking at your arm. I'll be fine we need to finish the quest. You said. I'm staying with you. He said. Okay. You said and you both walked together receiving glares from Annabeth.

Jason Grace- You and Jason were on a small expedition. Do you think everything is okay at camp? You asked. I'm sure it is. Jason said with a smile. It's a monster. I whispered to Jason. Okay let's get it. Jason whispered back. You guys went behind it sneakily but it noticed you. Demigods! It yelled. It lunged for you and it dug it's nails into your arm. Leave me alone. You said with charmspeak in your voice. You saw Jason finish the monster. You are bleeding are you okay? Jason asked worried. I'm good. You said standing up. Can you finish the expedition? Jason asked. Yes but please be my Lightning Rod. You said. I will always be your Lightning Rod.

Leo Valdez- You and Leo were traveling together. We probably shouldn't be traveling. You said. They won't find out. Leo assured. I'm going to trust you. You said. You looked up into the sky and it was beautiful. F/N watch out! Leo yelled. You looked behind you and you saw an empousa and you jumped to the left to get out of the way. You saw Leo hit the empousa with fire and it left. Are you okay are you hurt?! Leo asked concern filled his voice. I'm fine it didn't get me. You said. That's good I almost had a heart attack. Leo said. I'm okay. You said and hugged Leo.

Frank Zhang- Frank was going on a quest with Percy and Hazel but you wanted to see him off. So you were walking with him. I think this is as far as I can go. You said sadly. You saw Frank with a sad face. Bye F/N. Frank said sadly. Watch out! Hazel yelled. Suddenly Frank ran in front of you and shot an arrow at the monster. He turned to you. Are you okay? He asked. I'm okay Tuff guy. You said. Good SweetHeart. He said and kissed you. You noticed Hazel getting a little mad at the sight.

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