People's Reaction to Your Baby

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Percy Jackson- You and Percy walked out of the room with Percy holding Alyssa. You saw Sally and Paul standing there with a smile.
"She's so adorable." Paul said with a smile.
"She's so previous what's her name?" Sally asked smiling.
"Her name is Alyssa." You said with a smile.
"Mom would you like to hold her?" Percy asked.
Sally nodded and smile. "Hi little Alyssa I'm your grandmother." She said.
Percy held your hand.
"Let's get her home."  Percy said.
You and Percy arrived home  and you saw Grover, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, and Hazel inside.
"Welcome back." They all said smiling.
You were holding Alyssa who was wrapped in a pink blanket.
"Aww she's so cute." Piper said.
"Percy you got married and had your first kid you've grown." Grover said and patted his back.
"What's her name?" Frank asked.
"Her name is Alyssa." Percy said.
"She's adorable." Leo said.
"She's so precious." Hazel said smiling.
"Thank you guys." You said.

Jason Grace-  You and Jason walked out of the hospital room you holding Ciel.
"Jason F/N you had a boy." Thalia said.
"He's so handsome." She said with a smile.
"Do you want to hold him?" You asked.
Thalia's fave smiled even more. "Please." She said.
You smiled and gave her Ciel.
"His name is Ciel." Jason said.
"Hi Ciel I'm your Aunt Thalia." She said.
You and Jason smiled at the sight.
You and Jason were back in your house and Jason got a phone call.
"Come over." Jason said.
"We are getting guests." He said.
In matter of minutes Leo, Annabeth, Percy, Frank,Hazel, Nico, Thalia, and Reyna arrived.
"What's his name?" Annabeth asked.
"Ciel." You said holding him.
"He's so handsome." Hazel said with a smile.
"He's definitely going to be a strong Roman demigod." Reyna said.
"I'm his Aunt I need to see him." Thalia said.
Everyone laughed.
"Thalia already adores her nephew." You said.

Leo Valdez- Leo was holding Selah and you were holding Sammy the twins had matching baby blue with white stripes blanket.
You and Leo walked out and you saw the Seven along with Clarisse there holding balloons.
"You two had twins." Piper said.
"My best friend is a father." Jason said.
"My sister is a mother and her kids father is Valdez life is strange." Clarisse said.
"Leo is holding Selah and I'm holding Sammy." You said with a smile.
"A girl and a boy how adorable." Hazel said.
"You two will be great parents." Annabeth said.
"I wonder if one of them has fire powers." Percy whispered.
"They shouldn't but you never know." Leo said.
"Can I hold Sammy?" Clarisse asked.
You smiled and let her hold Sammy and you saw Leo give Selah to Piper.
You and Leo smiled as all the demigods were playing with the twins.

Frank Zhang- You and Frank were getting ready to head home when you two got a surprise. Frank was holding Chase and you two walked out. You saw Annabeth, Percy, Reyna, Piper, Leo, and Jason holding balloons smiling.
"What's his name?" Reyna asked.
"Chase." You said with a smile.
"He's so adorable." Piper said and hugged you.
"Congratulations." Annabeth and Percy said.
"If he can transform like Frank that would be cool." Leo said.
"Maybe." Frank said.

Nico- You were holding Noelle and you and Nico and Noelle were heading home and Nico invited the seven Coach Hedge Thalia and Reyna to meet the baby. The three of you walked in and you saw everyone standing there with balloons. Hazel was holding a cake and there were a stack of gifts on the table.
"Welcome home." They said smiling.
Jason, Thalia, and Hazel raced to you and Noelle.
"What's her name?" Jason asked.
"Noelle." Nico said.
"Awww that's an adorable name." Piper said.
"Shes so cute." Hazel said looking at Noelle.
"Can I hold her?" Jason asked.
You smiled and handed Noelle over.
"Thank you guys for coming." You said.
"No problem cupcake and now you have mini cupcake." Coach Hedge said.
"Mini cupcake that's her new nickname." Nico whispered.
"Can she fly? Can she shadow travel? These are questions I need answered." Percy said.
"Same." Leo said.
You, Nico, Annabeth, and Reyna shook your heads.
"I would start training her." Reyna said.
"I agree she will be very powerful." Annabeth said.
"We're going to try and keep her away from that but it probably can't be avoided so we might take her to camp half blood when she's four or five to start her training." Nico said.
"Maybe." You said.
"Okay Jason I want to hold her." Hazel said.
"She likes her Uncle Jason more." Jason said.
Thalia sighed. "Let her Aunt Hazel hold her then her Aunt Thalia can hold her." Thalia said.
You and Nico looked at each other smiling.
"So when are you going to have another child?" Leo asked.
You and Nico blushed. "Umm not for a long time." You both answered.

Luke- You and Luke were home with your new baby Micah.
"Welcome back guys." Thalia and Annabeth said with a smile.
"Aww he is so cute." Thalia said.
"What's his name?" Annabeth asked.
"Micah." You said holding him.
"Can I hold him?" Annabeth asked.
You smiled and gave him to Annabeth. 
You could tell she was happy holding him.
"Luke and F/N you two need to try for a girl and have her join the hunt." Thalia said.
"I'm not sure." You said.
"It's not a choice it's a must." Thalia said.
You and Luke sighed.
"Maybe in a couple of years and if we do she might not join the hunt." Luke said.
"True and Micah is really adorable he's so happy he gets that from his mom." Thalia joked.
Everyone laughed.
"He does." Luke said.

Octavian- You and Octavian arrived back home with you holding Camila.
You opened the door and the Seven and Nico was there.
"Welcome back home." They said.
"What's her name?" Hazel asked.
"Camila." Octavian said.
"She looks so happy she defiantly as your personality F/N." Nico said.
"That's a relief." Leo mumbled.
"She's so adorable." Annabeth said.
"She's smiling." Percy said with a smile.
Octavian hugged you.
"Our baby is perfect." He whispered to you.
"Yes She is." You said.

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