He asks You to be his Girlfriend

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Percy Jackson- It was time for the camp fire and you were sitting by yourself because you were considered an outcast by some because of your mother. You made a snowflake in your hand and you smiled at it. Hey F/N. Percy said. Hey Percy. You said with a smile. You noticed his face was serious. What's wrong? You asked. Can I ask you something? He asked. Of course. You said. Will you go out with me? He asked blushing. You started to blush. Yes! You said happily and he smiled back. That's my boy go Percy! Grover yelled clapping and that caused you and Percy to blush more.

Jason Grace-F/N wait I need to tell you something! You heard Jason yell. You looked over and saw Jason flying towards me. What do you need to tell me? You asked as you saw him running now. F/N I like you I really like you will you go out with me? Jason asked. Yes. You said and smiled. My ship! Your bald sister cheered. We have my siblings approval. You said with a smile. I'm glad. Jason said.

Leo Valdez-  You saw Leo talking to Piper and Jason. I wonder who he likes? You thought. F/N I'm going to go talk to people. You told your siblings. Okay have fun. They said. Hi Leo. You said with a smile. Oh hi F/N. Leo said blushing. You noticed Jason and Piper smiling. We are going to go. Jason said and grabbed Piper by the hand and ran away. What was that about? You asked. Umm I don't know. Leo said. I think you do. You said. I might. Leo said. F/N will you go out with me? Leo asked. Yes. You said with a smile. We told you Leo. Piper and Jason said grinning ear to ear. We both blushed and looked at each other.

Frank Zhang- Hey Frank. You said. Hi F/N. Frank said. How's training? You asked. It's good. He said. Why are you not looking at me? You asked. No reason. He said. Okay well I'll train with you hand me an arrow. You said. He handed you an arrow and a bow and you shot it. Bullseye. You said confidently. Um it didn't hit the target it hit the ground. Frank said. But it's bullseye for the ground. You said. Whatever you say. Frank said. Hey can I ask you a question? Frank asked. Well you just asked me one but go ahead. You said. Willyougooutwithme? He said. Huh? You said. F/N I really like you and you are the girl I like will you please go out with me? Frank asked. Yes! You yelled happily.

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