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How You Met- You are a daughter of Apollo but you were not that good at medicine  but you are Luke's  best friend you two have been since you arrived at Camp Half-Blood.
"Hi  F/N I'm Luke and you are a demigod this is Chiron."  The boy with blue eyes said.
"Welcome to camp Half- Blood." Chiron said.
"Do you know who your godly parent is?" Chiron asked.
"Hopefully not Hermes." Luke muttered.
You looked up and you saw a golden bow above you.
"Hail F/N daughter of Apollo." Chiron said.
"Hey F/N want to be friends?" Luke asked.
"Sure." You said.

Getting Close- You and Luke were walking around.
"Don't you just love flowers?" Luke asked.
"They are pretty." You said walking on a log.
"Don't fall." Luke warned.
"I won't." You said with a smile and you jumped off.
"Ta da." You said.
Luke smiled. You two kept walking and you tripped and fell on Luke.
"Sorry." You said.
"It's fine." Luke said.

You Realize you like him-  You were watching Luke train other campers.
"He's so nice and sweet and attractive." You thought.
Luke looked over to you and winked at you. You blushed. "Yeah I like him." You thought with a smile. 

He Realize he likes You- (Luke's POV)
I was sitting down thinking about life.
"Hey Luke what's wrong?" Annabeth asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"It's F/N isn't it she likes you and I'm pretty sure you like her." Annabeth said.
"I don't like her." Luke said.
Annabeth smirked.  "You do its so obvious you need to tell her." Annabeth said.
I blushed. "F/N is gorgeous in personality and appearance I do like her." I thought.
"Hey Luke!" F/N yelled.
"F/N wait!" I yelled and ran to her.

He Asks you to be his girlfriend-  
"What's up?" You asked.
"F/N I need to tell you I like you a lot and I know you probably don't feel the same but I like you." Luke said blushing.
You blushed. "I like you a lot too." You said.
"Will you go out with me?" He asked.
"Yes." You said and hugged him.

First Kiss- You and Luke were training the new campers.
"Can you and F/N do a battle?" A camper asked.
"We are fighting in the arena." You said.
(At the arena)
The cheers were split with half cheering for you the other cheering for Luke.
"Ready?" Luke asked. 
"Ready." You said.
You and Luke began to fight. However Luke won.
"Good game." Luke said.
"It was." You said. You two walked out and Luke kissed you.
"Wow." You said.

Nickname for you- Sunshine because you brighten his day
Nickname for him-  Lukey because  his name is Luke.

He Saves You- You were walking alone  and you saw a monster.
"An empousa." You mumbled.
The empousa came at you and you didn't dodge.
"Ahh!" You yelled in pain.
You saw the monster just vanish and you noticed Luke standing there.
"Are you okay?" He asked hugging you tightly.
"Yeah." You said.
"Let's go take you to your siblings so they can heal you." Luke said and picked you up.

Date Night- You put on a light blue dress with matching matching flats. 
"You look so cute." Your half sister said.
You moved a piece of your H/C hair out of your face. "Thank you." You said.
You heard a knock and you answered and you saw Luke.
"You look so cute." Luke said.
"Aww thank you you look so handsome." You said with a smile.
Luke offered you his hand and you took it.
"Where are we heading?" You asked. 
"You'll see." Luke said.
You two arrived to a clearing in the forest with a picnic in it.
"Awww this is so cute." You said.
"Not as cute as you." Luke said.

Who's Jealous of Your Relationship-
A bunch of female campers at camp halfblood because they find Luke attractive.

You have a Mini Fight-
You got hurt and Luke was mad that you didn't  tell him.
"I can't believe you!" Luke yelled.
"Not everything I do concerns you!" You yelled back.
Luke walked over to you.
"I just want you to be safe because if anything happened to you I wouldn't know what to do." Luke said.
"I'm sorry." You said and hugged him.

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