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~Play the song when you see this text also trigger warning for cursing~

When Bill had Stan and Ford trapped in the blue cage and was about to chase the little twins, something happened that no one would forget. The Guardian of Magic herself bursted in through the large triangular door, obviously pissed.

"BILL FUCKING CIPHER!" The black dragon shouted. Bill shrunk back to his normal size seeming scared of this new comer. The others in the room just stood there confused at what was happening.

"Umm... H-hey there Midnight.. What brings you here?" Bill asked nervously. Ford was watching this play out, astonished that Bill Cipher, the insane dream demon, was actually afraid. The dragon, now known as Midnight, growled,

"You know why I'm here Bill, that rift you made! It's far too big to actually be functional, it's tearing a hole in space and time!" She continued, "I'm a rift dragon and I open up and close rifts all the time, I should know that this isn't good." Bill looked at her nervously and tried to not sound scared,

"W-what are you gonna do then?"

"Well, I was planning on taking you over to my parents, the king and queen of magic and dragons, and let them take care of you."

Bill shrunk back further. Midnight continued,

"But, I guess if you can some how impress me, give me a reason not to, I'll just make you clean all this up and keep an eye on you." The dragon sat down, letting Bill decide whether he wanted to face the wrath of her parents or have her watch him like a hawk twenty four seven. He decided he'd rather have her watch him than dealing with her parents, but then how would he impress her... He then had an idea! He had to show his true form for this to work though, and he really didn't want to show it to his enemies, but he had to if he wanted to save his skin. He sighed, closing his eye. Then there was a blinding yellow glow coming from his small body. Everyone had to close their eyes and block the light with there hands, or wings. When the light faded away, everyone opened their eyes and gawked at what they saw, except Midnight for she has seen his true form once before a long time ago.

The one who was standing there was a tall man with tanned skin, a golden colored eye, and had short yellow and black hair, the yellow part of his hair being a bit longer. He wore a yellow tail coat with a white dress shirt underneath, black dress pants, black boots with small one inch heels, long black gloves, a black bow tie around his neck, and had a triangular eye patch over his right eye. The man sighed and said to himself,

"I can't believe I'm doing this." His words were loud enough to be heard by the others, who had realized that this strange man was the insane triangle guy, Bill Cipher.

He walked up closer to Midnight and took a breath of air, at this point everyone just kind of sat down to see how things would play out, and Mabel wished she had a bucket of popcorn, before the yellow dream demon started to sing,

"Starlight, starshine, please come back into my life. You left me all alone, can't you see that my heart's your home. There's a void in my soul, and it leaves me feeling cold. Will I ever find peace from its tolls? Starlight, starshine, all of my mind couldn't unwind. What it was, what it'll be, what future can I hope to see? I am not in a dream, and there's no reason to scream. And this is not the end, or so it seems. You were like starlight, just like starshine, casting down on me. When the light would go down and the darkness was found, you should shine hope to me. Starlight, starshine, no longer do you shine so bright. The sun frowns, the moon sighs, sad is the universe through my eyes. I am not just a machine, though my heart I will sing. I'm just a person holding onto a dream. You were like starlight, just like starshine, casting down on me. When the light would go down and the darkness was found, you would shine hope to me. You were like starlight, just like starshine, casting down on me. When the light would go down and the darkness was found, you should shine hope to me." He finished his little show and look towards the dark dragon.

Everyone was stunned that Bill would sing something like that, or even sing at all and actually be really good at it. Even Midnight seemed sort of surprised. She then spoke,

"How the hell did you know one of my favorite songs?" Now Bill had a surprised look,

"Wait, that was one of your favorites?"

"Yeah! Well, my number one favorite is actually a song, by the same artist, called Malfunction, but I'm getting off topic. Although I must ask you, why did you pick to sing that song?"

"I lost someone I cared about. Not a day goes by without them going through my mind."

Midnight was about to ask him who he was talking about, but decided against it. She figured she could give him a second chance.

"Bill Cipher," Midnight stated, "you may leave this all behind you and we can act as if this never happened, but you must stay within this dimension and have me or Samuel with you at all times until I know I can trust you to be on your own."

"Thank you so much I-"

"And even when I do allow you to leave my supervision, you will still have to stay within this dimension unless I let you come with me somewhere or you have someone with you. Understood?" She finished. Bill nodded frantically,

"Yes! Thank you so much! I'll clean this all up! It's a deal!" He snapped his fingers and the cage the old men were kept in disappeared, the fearamid started to disassemble itself, all the monsters began to get sucked into the rift.

As the fearamid was being broken apart, Bill snapped his fingers again, teleporting the Pines family back home, he also turned everything else back to normal, and turned all the towns people back to normal and teleported them back down to the ground. He looked over at the dragon as his dark palace continued to crumble. Midnight grabbed Bill by the back of his shirt with her claws and flew off to the edge of the town, deep in the forest where they will stay for many years.

No one could really wrap their heads around what exactly happened that day, and no one bothered to look for the demon and the dragon. Everyone just chose to do what the dragon had said before, just act like it never happened, even though they were all on edge now. They wanted to believe the dragon had everything under control and that she took the insane demon far away from here, but the Pines family knew the two powerful creatures would still be somewhere relatively close because of the natural magic barrier that keeps the strangeness of Gravity Falls within the town's borders.

As much as Ford wanted to go out and find out where they went, there was something about that dragon that frighten Bill, but also seemed to comfort the demon. He wanted to know what was going to happen to the dream demon. Was he really going to become sane again, or is he too far gone to be helped? The demon also mentioned he lost someone he cared about. No knew that demon could actually care for someone, especially enough to sing about how they felt after loosing them. This kind of thing is unheard of coming from the insane demon. All he could do though was wait and see.

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