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~~~I drew the picture above. You like it?~~~

While Midnight and Stanford worked on a plan to bring down the witch, Bill and Will worked on their own plan to get revenge. As Bill was talking about their plan, Will had something else on his mind. Bill noticed that his brother was only paying half attention and asked him, 

"Alright, what's on your mind, Badru? I can see you're not really paying any attention to what I'm saying." Will snapped out of his little trance and said,

"W-what? T-there's n-nothing on my m-mind!"

"Yeah right. Listen Badru, if you're scared about going up against the witch, don't be. Everything will be fine!"

"I-it's not the w-witch I'm worried about..."

"Well then tell me what's going on in that head of yours, we may be mind reading demons, but we can't read each other's minds. Or Midnight's now that I think about it."

"W-well... I umm..." Will began to blush slightly, "I-I uhh..."

"Come on, spit it out, you know you can tell me anything, with little judgement," Bill joked, nudging his brother lightly. Will's blush darkened a little as he said,

"I n-need to tell s-someone something, before we g-go into battle with the witch." That's when it clicked for Bill. He knew that Will liked someone. He smiled and hugged Will as he said,

"Aww, is my little brother in love with someone? How did you manage that? You've only been here a day." Will's blushed deepened even more then bluntly stated,

"You know I'm four minutes older than you, right?"

"I know, but I don't care, you'll still my younger brother in my eye. Anyway, who is it?"


"Who are you in love with?"

"I never confirmed that I'm in love with someone!"

"You never denied it either, so just tell me! I promise I won't tell a soul."

"... Alright fine. I'll tell you."

Bill silently squealed and let go of Will to let him talk. Will took in a breath of air, then said, 

"I-I like... M-Midnight..." Bill was silent for a moment, surprised at the information he was just given. He asked him, just to be sure he heard him right,

"You like Midnight?" Will turned away and pouted,

"Yeah, so what? She's really sweet a-and kind and I just think she's r-really pretty..." Will felt like Bill was judging him about this and he felt like he shouldn't have told him. He prepared himself to hear his brother laugh at him for falling in love with a dragon, who doesn't even have a human form like they do. But he never heard any laughing, instead he heard,

"Badru, I don't care that you like Midnight. I think it's actually really cute that you like her, but she's a dragon, and you're a dream demon. Personally, I don't think it'd work out, but I still believe you should tell her anyway, just so that you can at least get it off your chest and hopefully move on." Bill's words had a slight caring tone to them, making Will feel at ease,

"And don't worry, she's very patient, believe me. She turned me back into my old self over the course of five years." Will smiled lightly,

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