Not That Easy

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"Wait, what?" Bill yelled, "Burn her? Why burn her?" Will looked away from Midnight's corpse and faced his brother, who's still curled up on the ground, "It just seems fitting for a dragon. A royal one too at that," he explained, "but before we do anything, we need to deal with your egg problem." Will gave his twin a slight glare while he just awkwardly smiled back.

After Bill managed to get the egg, that was stuck in him, out. Him and Will decided to go and get the others to tell them what happened before giving Midnight the burial she deserves. They walked through the forest in silence, trying not to think too much about what had happened. On their way back to the shack, Stanford, Stanley, Dipper, Mabel, and Samuel showed up on their path. Stanford asked the demon twins in a panic, "Do you guys know where Midnight is! Samuel told us he found the witch and when he told Midnight, she bolted. The rest of us were gathering supplies as quickly as we could. We didn't know what we would need to defeat her." Bill and Will looked at each other. Will had tears in his eyes, Bill could tell that he didn't want to say what happened, so he said, "You're too late. Midnight and the witch are both dead." Everyone in the group gasped. Mabel dropped onto the ground, teary eyed, "That... That can't be true..." Will's tears were rolling down his cheeks now.

"I-it's tr-true..." he said with a shaky breath. Dipper took notice of the two demons covered in blood, but also noticed how Will was more covered than Bill, especially on his hands and around his mouth.

"Did... Did you two kill the witch?"

Bill thought of what to say, since Will seemed to be in no condition to explain such a thing, "Well, I only helped. It was really Will here who did it, I'll explain more about it later, but right now," he turned around towards the direction he and Will came from, "we should give Midnight a proper burial." He started walking back to the meadow with Will close behind and the others following with sad expressions.

Before they went through the tree line, Bill stopped and turned to the others, "If you can't handle seeing dead bodies like this," he looked at Dipper, remembering the last time he saw dead bodies all mangled and covered in blood, "then I suggest you stay here." Dipper got the hint and stayed back, along with Mabel, while Stan and Ford went through with the demon twins. When they saw the witch's torn up body on the other side of the meadow, they both had to suppress the urge to vomit as Ford thought, "Will did that? He seems far to sweet to be so brutal!"

"You of all people should know that both of us can hear your thoughts, Sixer. Especially when you're yelling." Bill stated, a tad bit annoyed, knowing that it would just make Will feel worse. Ford looked away from the dead witch, wondering how Bill had managed to read his mind when he has this metal plate in his head, as something pearly white in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned his head to see a large egg, poorly hidden under some leaves. As he continued to stare at the egg, thinking about what could've laid an egg that size, Bill noticed Ford's silence and looked in the direction he was looking at and saw the egg. He panicked slightly, and pulled Will further ahead from Stan and Ford then lightly smacked his brother on the back of his head.

"Ow!" Will rubbed the spot that Bill hit, "What was for?"

"I thought you said you hid it!"

"I-I did!"

"Well you didn't hide it well enough! Sixer sees it and now he's gonna wonder what laid it!"

"I'm sorry, Sethos. I couldn't really think straight after what just happened. Besides, can we worry about that later? We need to take care of her..."

Bill sighed. He knew that Will was right. Why worry about a silly little secret like this when someone they all cared about died to protect them? They all stopped and looked at the fallen dragon. Stanford couldn't believe it, the Guardian of Magic, the one who put an end to Weirdmaggedon, the one who mostly cured Bill of his madness, the one that reunited Bill and his twin brother Will, is now gone. While everyone was starring at Midnight, Stanley, who wasn't all that connected with her like everyone else, coughed then said, "I think we should actually move her and not just stare at her corpse." Everyone snapped out of their trances and agreed. Bill told the others what Will wanted to do for her. Everyone nodded their heads in understanding and proceeded to lift parts of her heavy limp body, Bill and Will used some their magic to help with lifting her. They began to carry her to the lake, the young twins and the raven dragon close behind with their heads hanging low. 

When they got her to the lake, Bill snapped his fingers, making a boat large enough for her appear. They placed her in the boat and pushed it into the water. Everyone stood at the shore and tearfully stared at the boat slowly floating towards the center of the lake. Bill looked over at his brother who looked back as he gave him a slow nod. Will looked back at the boat and raised his hand with a heavy heart and blood and tears in his eyes, he snapped his fingers setting the boat aflame. Luckily, it was sundown so no one was around the lake at this late hour. Everything was quiet and peaceful as everyone continued to watch the boat burn, then suddenly, 


They looked closer at the boat in shock and saw a large dark figure use her large powerful wings to rise up out of the flames. The figure flew towards them, her violet eyes were the only visible thing in the dark. The creature landed on the shore and everyone was in complete shock. Then Bill spoke up, "W-what!? How!? You were just-! And we-! WHAT!" Midnight sighed.

"Listen up everyone, I'm sorry I gave you all a fright, because you all obviously thought I was dead, and you're all right," she explained, "I really was dead for a while because I used a risky spell called soul ejection. It's a bit complicated, so I'll explain that later." She looked over to Will who still had tears going down his face with an unbelieving look.

"I saw what you did, Will," Midnight said, "I'm proud of you and I know you had good intentions with what you wanted to do with my body, but you should know that most dragons' scales are fireproof." She chuckled lightly at the end of her sentence.

"W-well, I-I... Uhh-" Will couldn't finish his sentence as he was pulled into a bone crushing hug by the dragon. Luckily, he'll be fine, being a demon and all. He could feel her heartbeat and he could hear her breaths, being this close to her. He loved it and did his best to hug her back. Midnight whispered something to him and thanks to Bill's heightened sense of hearing, he heard what she said and gave a small smile with a soft chuckle. Will, on the other hand was blushing. Every one else were confused because they didn't hear what the dragon said.

"Hey triangle guy, what's so funny?" Stanley asked, "And why is your brother as red as a tomato?"

"Midnight just invited Will to a special race during the fall."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look up humpback whale behaviors, then maybe you'll know." Bill explained vaguely. Stanford would definitely have to look into this at some point, knowing Bill, he won't always give a straight answer, it also peaked his interest a bit. A special race during the fall and is somehow connected to how a humpback whale behaves? Who wouldn't be interested in figuring this out? Right now however, everyone is just glad that the witch is dead and Midnight is alive.

~~This is literally the longest chapter I've ever written. HOLY SHIT. Hope you all cried a little, cuz I did a little bit. Also, this isn't over quite yet, there's only one more part left!~~

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