Bonus Chapter 3: Part 4

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A few weeks have gone by, almost a month already, and Bill's abdomen was slowly, but surely getting larger as time passed. He was right about all of the symptoms he would be having. The vomiting, the cravings, his tiredness. Dipper wondered if maybe this wasn't his husband's first time being pregnant. Bill hasn't said anything about having kids before, but just because he never said anything doesn't mean that he may or may not have kids of his own with someone else. If that's true then why didn't he say anything to Dipper before getting married to him? The young man was beginning to worry that Bill might be cheating on someone with him. He decided to confront Bill about his concerns, even though he probably won't get a real answer.

"Hey, Bill?" He started, "I want to ask you something if you don't mind."

Bill was sitting on the couch on the living room and watching some show on the tv. He asked,

"What is it Pinetree?"

"Well its just that... I don't know... I guess I really just wanted to talk about our relationship."

"What is there to talk about? I love you, Pinetree, it's why I married you, and it's why I'm gonna be laying your eggs." Bill smiled giving his lover a peck on the cheek and rubbing the noticeable bump on his stomach.

Dipper smiled at the affection he was receiving from the demon, but quickly faded as he said,

"I know that, but since your pregnancy started, it just seems like you've had children before. Is there some past relationship you had before us that you didn't tell me about?"

"Well I do have my exes, but I've never had children with any them and I've never been married before you. You're just being paranoid like always and overthinking things again, sweetheart." Bill reassured Dipper then struggled slightly getting up out of his seat as he said,

"I think I'm gonna call Will. See what he's up to. I mean, if this conversation is over, if you want to keep talking I can hold off on calling him."

"No, no it's fine. Go ahead and call your brother... and thanks Bill."

Bill smiled at him and gave him a nice warm hug. He left the room and went to his little office in the house. He was about to wave his hand to activate a call, but decided against it and just grabbed the phone that was on the desktop, dialing the number of his brother's home and put the phone by his ear as he waited. The phone rang a couple of times before he heard Will answer,


"Hey Badru... I... I miss him. And Pinetree is getting suspicious."

"I miss him too, Sethos. And about Dipper, you're going to have to tell him eventually. Especially since we put in that room in your house that you don't allow him in. About that actually, I know we're hoping that he'll come back, but you know I've lost contact with him over a thousand years ago. I fear he might be-"

"No! Don't say it. I don't want to believe that."

"Heheh hahaha!"

"Badru! What's so funny? I'm genuinely upset here."

"I'm sorry, it's just for the longest time you didn't want to believe he was going to be a part of our lives, but once he did and now that he's missing, you don't want to believe he's gone.."

"Well I admit he may have grown on me, but... I don't know. I just hope he's safe."

"Me too Sethos."

Meanwhile, Dipper was doing some chores around the house. He was carrying a laundry basket down the hall towards the laundry room, and passed by the door that Bill wouldn't let him through. He stopped for a moment and looked at the door, his curiosity returning to him. It always came back to him when he walked by this door, but he fought his curiosity every time to respect his demon husband's wish.

However, since he was already doubting their relationship, he couldn't fight it this time. He put the basket down beside the door and grabbed the doorknob twisting it, but it was locked. He should've figured. Dipper thought of what could be behind this door that Bill didn't want him to see. Whatever it is behind the door could possibly make or break his relationship with Bill. He search around the door to see if Bill had hidden a key somewhere. Then his fingers brushed up against something on top of the doorframe.

'Wow,' Dipper thought, 'Bill is just asking me to come in if he left the key in such an obvious spot.'

He used the key to unlock the door and open it. Inside was a... bedroom? The room had a grass green carpet, light blue walls with yellow headers. Anything that was wooden in the room like the bed frame, nightstand, and a small chest was some kind of oak. The bed had a light green tulle canopy and the comforters were like a mint green color with gold and blue accents. The room's atmosphere was like a forest. It was quite nice actually, but why would Bill want to keep him out of a bedroom?

Dipper walked around the room a little bit and noticed something engraved on the wooden chest,


What does that mean? He opened the chest and it was empty save for a few pieces of paper and some old photos. He picked up one of the old photos and widened his eyes in shock.


Dipper heard Bill call for him. In a panic, he threw the photo back into the chest and slammed it shut. He quickly left the room and locked it again, putting the key back on top of the doorframe. He grabbed the laundry basket and proceeded down the hall to answer Bill's call.

Although, Dipper unknowingly left a couple of clues that he's been snooping around. The key was on an angle on the frame and the chest lid slightly bounced back open. Bill would surely notice these things in the future if Dipper didn't fix it soon.

Dipper went to the living room, where Bill was again and asked him,

"What is it Bill? Do you need something?"

"I just need your cuddles." Bill responded, opening up his arms to embrace the young man. Dipper sighed and put the basket on floor by the couch as he sat down and pulled Bill into his lap. Bill hummed in delight as Dipper held him close to him, on the other hand, Dipper continued to think about the picture he saw in the chest. He understood now why Bill wanted to hide it from him.

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