The Smell of Mint

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~~~I hope you enjoy this secret ending I've prepared for you all~~~

The two dream demons stayed in their tearful embrace for several minutes. That is until Will caught a whiff of something. He pulled back a bit, sniffing the air. He could smell honey, Bill's scent, pine, obviously Dipper's scent, sea water was Stella, lemon candy was Bill's daughter, black cherry was his own wife, and rosemary was Bill's son. Those were all the strongest smells in the room, but there was one more scent; one more that he can pick out from the group. It was weak although he knew it was there, but he couldn't believe it.

Bill, of course, noticed his brother's odd behavior and sniffed the air himself. He smelled everything else Will had, including that one surprising scent. He turned to his blue twin and asked him,

"Will, did you by any chance plant any mint leaves in your garden?"

"N-no I haven't... and Midnight hasn't made anything with mint in it recently. You know what this means right?" Will smiled brightly, tears glistening in his eye.

"H-he... He's back." Bill half whispered, also giving a smile of pure happiness. They immediately excused themselves from the group as they bolted out of the cave and followed the faint smell of mint; leaving the rest of their families behind in the dark. They were now deep in the forest; the strong minty smell hung in the air as they frantically looked around.

Bill saw something among the bushes, something light green. If it wasn't for the smell, he would've missed it. He called out in excitement,


A green haired man popped out of the bush. He looked very much like the two dream demons, only green and has some faint freckles dotting his face. The strange man whispered in disbelief,

"D... D-dad..?"

Will rushed over upon hearing the man's voice. The green haired man looked towards the blue dream demon. He whispered again,

"M-Mo... Mom..?"

Bill and Will tackled the strange man in a tight hug; all of them crying tears of joy.

"Oh, my baby! I'm so glad my baby's okay!" Will cried, hugging the green demon tightly, afraid that he'll disappear again if he lets go of him.

"Where have you been all these years, Khafra? We searched everywhere, but your scent trail just ended like you just stopped existing." Bill asked. Then Will added,

"We thought you may have teleported somewhere, so we checked all the places you would've gone to, but you weren't there. Not even a sign that you were there recently."

"I-I don't actually know, I've kind of been all over since the day we were separated. I fell through this weird thing and ended up somewhere very different. I mean everything looked the same, but the smells were different, the creatures there were a lot more terrifying and far more vicious than the ones we've encountered before, and it seemed that the world was against me with hunters and monsters almost always chasing me..." The green demon, now known as Khafra, answered.

"Well where ever you were, I'm just glad you're with us now and you're safe and- Wait what's this on your neck?" Will worriedly looked at what appeared to be a scar on his son's neck.

Khafra rested his hand on the long scar and said,

"O-oh yeah... that was from one of the hunters. They shot at me and one of the bullets grazed me."

"Oh my poor baby!" Will cried giving his first child another tight hug.

"Did you fight back at all?" Bill asked. Will leaned back a bit, also curious of the answer.

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