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~~~When you read text that looks like this, it means Bill is speaking in his native language~~~ 

Midnight heard the thunder then the buckets of rain, pouring down on to the roof and the ground. 

"Where's Bill?" She asked in a panic. Stanford looked at her, slightly worried,

"I'd assume Mabel took him to my old study. Here, I'll lead you there." He started running to the used to be abandoned room with the dragon close behind. When they got there Midnight slammed open the door and yelled, 

"Bill?" She then saw him frozen in place in the middle of the room and the twins standing next to him, still wondering what's going on. Then Dipper asked,

"What's wrong with him? We just heard the thunder and then he froze and I think he's not even breathing? Is he... Is he scared of thunderstorms?" Midnight sighed and walked into the room. The twins had noticed her anatomy change, but decided they should ask about that later. Midnight got up close to Bill, still being much taller than him, and hugged him, shushing him and rubbing his back. Bill immediately latched onto the dragon, breathing heavily. Midnight then softly explained to the twins what was going on,

"You see, Bill isn't actually scared of the thunderstorm itself, he's scared of a particular thing storms, with heavy rain, can do."

"And what's that?" Asked Mabel.

"Flood. The amount of rain is what's really scaring him."

"Well then I can fix that! I fixed Gruncle Stan's fear of heights! All he needs to do is stand outside for a little bit!" Mabel was about to grab Bill, but Midnight stopped her,

"No, Mabel. These kinds of fears are caused by bad experiences. You can't fix it the way you're thinking, it would only make his fear more severe." She explained. 

"Then what do we do?" Dipper asked. Midnight continued rubbing Bill's back and said,

"You just need to comfort him, let him know that he's safe."

"Do you know what triggered this fear?" Stanford asked. The dragon shook her head,

"No, I don't know what happened to him in the past that made him so terrified of the rain, or any large body of water for that matter." After a while, Stanford had left to go into the basement, Stanley had gone to watch TV, Dipper and Mabel left to go unpack their things in their room, while also trying to figure out what happened to Bill that gave him his fear, and Midnight had been humming a little tune to the scared demon, which eventually put him to sleep. She later him down on the little couch in the room and covered him with a blanket she had found. Then she slowly slipped out of the room, quietly closing the door. She then sighed and said, to no one in particular, 

"Poor guy..." In Midnight's eyes, Bill is much like a young dracling at times. Then she realized that she was alone. She didn't notice the others leave while she was taking care of Bill. She went to the living room and saw Stanley watching some odd show that she had no interest in. Then she went to go see what the teens were up to. She went up the stairs and knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" She heard both of them say. She opened the door and walked in,

"Hello there!" She said with a soft smile as she closed the door behind her, 

"I've realized that I haven't properly introduced myself. My name's Midnight Moon, I am the Guardian of Magic. I'm a rift dragon, meaning I can open and close rifts and travel trough them whenever I please. But don't worry, the rifts that I make are small and stable." The twins looked at her amazed, then Mable blurted out,

"Wait a minute! Didn't you say five years ago that your parents are the king and queen of magic and dragons? Doesn't that make you... A PRINCESS!?" Mable had stars in her eyes, realizing that Midnight is a real life princess. The dragon laughed lightly,

"Yes, I'm a princess." Mable squealed while Dipper stood there wide eyed. Midnight wanted to change the subject so she asked,

"What are you kids up to anyway?" Dipper had snapped out of his little trance and answered, 

"We were just unpacking our things and trying to figure out what happened to Bill that made him so terrified of water. Do you have any ideas?" Midnight thought for a moment,

"Well, I don't have an exact idea, but I do think I have a piece of the puzzle."

"What is it?"

"He told me that when he was human, he used to live in Egypt."

"What?" Both the twins asked, obviously surprised.

"Bill used to be a human?" Dipper yelled, "When? How? WHAT?"

"I kind of know the 'when', I don't know the 'how', and I'm not sure what you mean by the 'what'."

Meanwhile, as Midnight and the teenage twins talk about Bill's past, Bill is tossing and turning in his makeshift bed. His breathing is heavy and he's sweating. It's odd, seeing a dream demon experience a night terror. He starts to talk a little in his sleep, 

"No... No, Badru... Y-You can't..." His eye snaps open he bolts up, throwing the blanket off of his body and screams, 


Midnight, and everyone else in the shack, heard his scream. Midnight and the twins run to Bill's room to find him sitting on the couch with the blanket thrown onto the floor and sobbing. Midnight and Mabel run over to Bill to comfort him. Dipper stayed back, comforting someone, who isn't his sister,  is not really his strong suit. As Bill continued to cry, he kept whispering the same few words over and over, to no one in particular, 

"No... B-Badru, no... n-no, you- you can't... I'm s-sorry..."

"Midnight?" Mable asked, "What is he saying?"

"I wish I knew, Mabel." She sighed and continued to try to calm the demon down. At this point, Stanford walked in and asked Dipper, 

"What's going on? What happened to him?" 

"He had a nightmare apparently, and it seems like it was a really bad one."

"Him? Having a nightmare? Well that's certainly unusual."

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