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"The end."

"What? There's no way that's the end!"

"But it is, what else do you want me to say?"

"That there's more to it than that!"

"Alright, alright. About a year later I was born then a couple years later, you two knuckle heads hatched! The end!" A young dragon with lavender colored fur, small black horns that curled downward, and black markings on her legs, messed up the two young kids' black hair with her paw-like hands. The little boy tried to push the dragon's hand off his head, yelling,

"Stella! Don't do that! Stop it!" The dragon, now known as Stella, was laughing and took her hands off of them. The young girl giggled as she fixed her long black hair while her brother grumbled as he fixed his short hair of the same color as his sister. Then the girl asked Stella, "Wait, is that whole story true?"

"Yes, it is a hundred percent true, Jordan! I know because my mom and dad told me that story." Stella answered. The boy pouted and said,

"I don't believe you."

"Oh but you should, Justin." said a voice, then the owner of that voice came around the corner. It was Bill. The two teenagers smiled and said,

"Hi mom." Then Stella greeted him, "Hey Uncle Bill."

Bill smiled and hugged his children,

"Hey there you silly birds. Oh, Stella, do you know where your parents are?" Then Midnight came in in her anthro-form and said,

"Well I'm right here. I don't know where Will is though." Then they heard a muffled shout coming from outside,

"I'm in the garden!" It was Will.

Midnight giggled,

"Well that solves that mystery."

"Certainly does," Bill laughed, "Anyway, thanks for keeping an eye on these two trouble makers while Pinetree and I were out."

"Oh, they're not that bad."

"Oh really? Tell me that when you leave them alone and they start practicing their magic. Things get hectic." Bill explained. As both of his children shouted,

"Hey!" Then Jordan yelled,

"At least we're practicing!"

"Yes, but your father and I've told you countless times to only practice when Uncle Will or I'm watching," Bill told his daughter, "We don't want you or anyone else getting hurt. Your magic isn't a toy to just play with, it can be very dangerous if used improperly. That goes for you too, Justin."


"No buts, now both of you little birds go outside, your father is waiting for you in the car. I want to talk to Aunt Midnight for a moment." Bill told them.

"Okay!" The two of them said as they gathered their things and left the house like cave. Midnight turned to her daughter, thinking of what Bill might want to talk about.

"Stella, you should go help your father with the garden, I'm sure he'd appreciate it." She told her. Stella nodded and got off the couch, going outside to help Will. Bill waited until no one else was in the room before speaking to Midnight,

"Thank you."


"I realized that even after all these years, I've never thanked you for everything you did for me and my brother. So, thank you. For everything."

"Oh Bill, you don't have to thank me."

"But I do! If you didn't stop me all those years ago and helped me regain my sanity, I would never have had Jordan and Justin. I would've never been reunited with Will. Which would leave him all alone with those horrible Gleeful twins! I wouldn't have found someone to love and I probably also would've killed hundreds of more people. I would never have accepted who and what I am now. This is me and this is where I belong. If it wasn't for you, none of this would ever have happened. For all I know, I could've died or be too far gone to even faintly remember my own past." Bill had blood and tears going down his face now. Midnight was somewhat shocked by what he said. She had never thought of it that way before.

Outside in the garden, Will had heard every word that his brother said and so he was crying too. Stella noticed her father's tears right away and asked, "Dad, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Will wiped away his blood and tears and stood up from the soil.

"It's nothing sweetie, don't worry about it. Could you go and fill the watering can, I have to take care of something real quick."

"Okay.." Stella was getting a bit suspicious. First her Uncle tells her cousins to go to the car, then her mother tells her to go help her dad in the garden, and now her father starts crying for no apparent reason and then tells her that he needs to take care of something. What could be going on that they don't want her knowing?

Meanwhile, Dipper is waiting in the car wondering why Bill is taking so long. Then he remembered what he said on the way here:

"I need to tell Midnight something."

"What do you need to tell her?"

"Thank you."

At the time he didn't know what his husband had meant. He thought about it some more, and now he thinks he understands. He turned in his seat to look at his children and told them to come with him for a moment. They were a little confused, but followed along anyway.

Back in the cave, Will came inside as his curious daughter secretly trailed behind, to see Bill crying. He went up to his yellow twin and hugged him tightly as Bill did the same to him, and let their tears flow. Midnight had a tearful smile on her face, as did Dipper. He and his children had heard everything, but stayed silently standing in the doorway, not wanting to disrupt this heartwarming moment. Stella on the other hand, didn't hear. She was still very confused, then she spotted her Uncle Dipper on the opposite side of the room. She used her teleportation magic, that she practiced with her mother, to teleport over to her uncle.

"Hey Uncle Dipper? What's going on?"

"Think back to that story you told to your cousins. Uncle Bill finally realized that he never thanked your mother for all that she has done for him and your father." Dipper briefly explained. Stella looked back at her dad and her uncle hugging and silently crying, and smiled softly.

~The End~

I hope you all enjoyed this story, I know I certainly did! It's sad that it's over now, I know, but don't worry! I'm making a few bonus chapters that take place between the last chapter and the epilogue. Also, if you want to read more about the Cipher twins, I'm actually already making rough drafts for a  short prequel called "The Demons' Past". I also have a bunch of random things written about some of the characters, so feel free to ask about them! I'll give you one little fun fact about Bill right now: he has a scar of a crocodile bite on his left calf. Have fun trying to figure out why he does without asking me! Actually, you don't even need to ask me about that, you can just find out in another story I published, "The Biology of Dream Demons". It's basically like one of Stanford's journals but all about his research on Bill, and a little bit from Will. That story kinda sums up how I designed their physical demon bodies and why certain things happen, like the egg laying thing and how they get scars. It also describes some reasoning behind why Bill and Will do what they do sometimes, like eat and sleep when they don't have to, or why they're extremely protective over certain things and/or people.

There'll be a secret ending as well. To understand this secret ending entirely you must read the bonus chapters, at least all the parts of the fifth one.

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