Bonus Chapter 3: Part 5 (Last Part)

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It has been two months now, Bill's stomach was huge, and Dipper still hadn't said anything about the room and the picture he found. Bill never found out that someone was ever in the secret bedroom because when Dipper walked by, he noticed the key was crooked and slid it back to its original position.

Dipper's concern over Bill worsened, knowing that the eggs would be due any day now, much to Bill's annoyance. Bill knew his husband's heart was in the right place though.

Currently, they were in their bedroom and cuddling on the bed. That's when Bill felt something in his abdomen. He pulled away from Dipper for a moment and rubbed the large bump with a look of slight discomfort on his face.

Dipper immediately grew worried for him,

"Bill, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Bill felt it again, a little more painfully this time, then answered,

"P-Pinetree.. go call Will..."


"I-I think my water just broke... ah!" In pain, Bill held his stomach with both hands, "P-Pinetree, call him now!"

Dipper quickly grabbed the phone from the nightstand on his side of the bed and called Bill's brother. The phone rang a couple of times before Will picked up,


"Will! It's Dipper, Bill told me to call you. His water just broke, he's laying the eggs!"

"What! He's laying the eggs right now? I'll be right there!"

He hung up. Dipper put the phone back in it's holder then he held Bill's hand and helped him with his wet pants.

Will appeared in the room and ran to Bill's side. He held his brother's hand in his as Dipper held Bill's other hand. All while Bill started pushing.

"P-Pinetree! It hurts.. It hurts so much! I don't think I can do this!" Bill cried in pain, speaking in English at first but quickly reverted back to his first language. Dipper could only understood one word he said and that was the nickname Bill had given him.

"Will, what is he saying? I don't understand your guys' language." Dipper asked.

"He said that it hurts and he doesn't think he can do this." Will answered. Dipper looked back at his husband and tried to encourage him and give him support.

"Come on Bill, I know you can do it! You just have to keep pushing. You can and you will get through this and I'll be here for every second of it."

Bill felt a bit more confident now and he kept pushing; occasionally yelling in his native language with Will translating it to Dipper whenever he said something new.

After few painful hours Bill was exhausted, having just pushed out two eggs the size of average human new borns. Will had let go of Bill's hand to gently grab the eggs and dry them off before handing them over to him. Bill gladly took them into his arms despite how tired he was. He couldn't believe that he actually did this. He had laid two large eggs belonging to his lover, Dipper.

Will was in tears, and this didn't go unnoticed by Bill and Dipper. Bill weakly smiled and said to him,

"Aww, Will there's no need to cry."

"I can't help it. It just reminds me of when Stella was born and when I-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Bill interrupted, knowing what he was going to say.

"You... You still never told him? Sethos! We talked about this a month ago! You need to tell him."

"But I'm scared to. I don't want him to leave because of it... I don't him to be disgusted in me..."

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