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Back at Midnight's cave, Midnight had told Samuel that he can finish his other duties for the day and have the next day off. He accepted her offer and flew off to do his other chores. Midnight decided she should clean up a bit. She realize that the first aid kit was still out when she helped Bill, so she cleaned up the first aid kit and put it back in the wooden chest in the back of the cave. As she was putting the little box back in, she accidentally knocked something out of the chest. She looked at the fallen item and picked it up. It was an old burnt photo of her with a young dragon that looked a lot like her. There was a third dragon in the photo, but it was burnt off. The only differences between Midnight and the young dragon, were that the young dragon was a dark purple color with gold horns and a pink underbelly. The two of them were smiling happily in old photo. Midnight smiled softly at the photo, remembering the happy times she had with her daughter. She placed the photo back in the chest and closed it. She continued cleaning for most of the day and when she was done, she walked outside of her cave and looked at the sky. She decided to relax a bit after today's cleaning, so she went off into the trees to take a nice walk. It hasn't been very long when she started to feel hungry. She was about to turn back and head home, but then she suddenly felt something odd in the air. Before she knew it, she fell through some sort of vortex. She screamed out of fright for a moment, but then realized what was going on and just kind of rolled with it as she said, "Damnit... Not again..." She was like that for what seemed like twenty minutes then she finally reached the end of this little trip and fell hard on her back on the ground. "Ow... That really hurt.." The rift dragon said as she turned. She then suddenly felt nauseous, "Ugh, I hate this part..." She said right before she started vomiting on the forest floor. As she did this, someone was unfortunate enough to be walking by and was able to hear her throwing up. The strange man looked from behind a tree and saw the dragon losing their lunch. Midnight's little episode had ended and she didn't notice the man until he spoke up, "A-are you alright?" Midnight looked over at him and answered his question, "Oh, yeah I'll be fine, it's not the first time I fell through a wormhole... I'm Midnight Moon by the way, who are you?"

"O-oh! My name's Will, Will Cipher."

That's when Midnight noticed his looks. He looked just like Bill, but instead of Bill's normal yellow color, this guy was covered in blue and he didn't have an eye patch, his blue hair covered his eye instead. Then it clicked, "You're lying." She bluntly stated. Will jumped slightly and asked nervously, "W-what do y-you mean? I-"

"You're name's not Will. It's Badru."

Will, or Badru, froze for a moment. He hadn't heard anyone call him that since he was separated from his brother, "H-how did you know my name?" He asked, tears beginning to fill his eye. Midnight turned to face him better and sat down, careful not to sit in her own bile, "I know your brother, Bill Cipher, he never told me his real name, but he always talked about you whenever he slept."

"You know Sethos?" He asked, tears coming down his face now, "Can you take me to him!" He pleaded, getting up close to the dragon. Midnight smiled, "Of course I'll take you to him! But first you kinda need to tell me where the hell I am, I did just fall through a wormhole." She laughed awkwardly. Will backed off a bit and replied, "O-oh! Right.. You're in Reverse Falls and may I ask.. What is it like falling through a wormhole?"

"Oh well, wormholes work a lot like a rift does, you go from one place to another. The thing is though, a rift is more like a doorway, you just walk through and you're there. A wormhole however, is like taking the long way around. It's not exactly fun, you're traveling at a very high speed with bright colors flashing all around you and loud noises. It seems like you're in the hole for a while when it's actually lightning quick. The after effect is probably the worst part of it, you'll always get nauseous after you fall through." She explained. Will thought for a moment about how she described what a wormhole is like. He then realized that he had fallen through one before, that's how he got separated from his brother! Midnight got up and stretched, much like how a cat would, and gave a small yawn, "Well now I know where I am, so now I can get you back to your brother!" She said cheerfully. Will couldn't help but get a very slight blush as he thought, She's actually pretty cute.. He smiled brightly and said, "Alright! I'm ready to go when you a-" he was interrupted by something growling. He looked around nervously then saw an embarrassed look on Midnight's face. He chuckled lightly then said, "Oh, I guess you're hungry, aren't you?"

"Yeah... Haha I guess we should get something to eat before we go, I did just throw up my lunch after all." She said, mumbling the last part. "Well don't worry!" Will said, "I think I know where we can get something to eat. Follow me." He started walking off somewhere in the forest, so Midnight followed him. They've been walking for a few minutes when they stumbled upon a clearing with a huge tree with a wooden door on it. Midnight's face lit up when she realized what kind of place they were at. It was called a forest bar. It's really just a restaurant and bar in the forest that's for odd or magical creatures. Midnight's only been to a few forest bars, but she's mostly been to dragon bars. Those types of bars are the same thing as forest bars, but much larger to fit some of the larger types of dragons. She doesn't go that often because it's usually kind of expensive. She turned to Will and asked, "Are you sure? I mean I love forest bars, but isn't it a bit expensive? Especially if you're planning on feeding a dragon?" Will smiled, "Yeah, I'm sure. They actually let me eat here for free."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because I give them my- uhh.." Will blushed. Midnight giggled, "Don't worry I already know about the egg laying thing. There's no need to be embarrassed." Will smiled again, "Oh, alright. Well, I give them my eggs and they let me eat there for free."

"That's nice." Midnight smiled. Will walked into the bar, having to bend over slightly to get in, to get them a table outside. Midnight stayed outside because she's simply to big to even get through the door, even if she was in her anthro-form. Will came back out, following the little fairy waiter. They got to their table and sat down. The little fairy left to seat any more guests that might arrive. Then a gnome waiter came along and took their orders for drinks. Will ordered some simple water and Midnight ordered cranberry juice and a glass of water. Will asked the dragon, "Why the juice?"

"Well I thought that since we're eating for free, I figured I can treat myself. I haven't had any juice in a long time." She explained. You see, for dragons certain fruit juices is much like alcohol. Midnight's favorites are cranberry and pineapple. She also loves a couple of mixtures, those being cran-grape juice and tropical blend. They got their drinks and ordered their food. They talked for a long time and were laughing and having a good time, almost as if it was date. When they finished, they got up and prepared to leave. Midnight looked at Will, who seemed eager to go, and asked, "You ready Will?"

"Yes! I'm ready." Will said excitedly. Midnight smiled and opened up a small rift with her claws. She motioned for Will to go first then went through herself, closing the rift behind her. It was late, so they decided they should go see Bill tomorrow. They went into the cave and slept with full bellies, happy thoughts, and good dreams.

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