1-"Meeting" them

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This was dedicated to a friend of mine , who loves Undertale almost as much as me and is in my group of friends I call potatoes

So please, if you're reading this, know I care for you and love you, our love for Undertale drew me to you and we became awkward fan-girls together, please , read on and let that love for Undertale never die out.


(your P. o. v)

I tried my best to make myself as small as an ant as more people -monsters included- walked into the library I was silently reading in.

I tried my best to not look up at people and I stay in my quiet little corner, although my curiosity started nipping at me, urging my body to go and find out what each one of the monsters were like and making friends with every single one.

Then my fear of making contact or talking with another human -or monster being- overpowered it and threw it out the window

I continued reading my book that was not so surprisingly; about monsters, their origins and how they were freed from the horrible Mnt. Ebott a few weeks ago

I didn't care for it much, as long as I didn't have to make contact with one or actually talk with one, I'd be fine.

I mean, sure, I didn't hate them, I actually loved learning about them and writing about them, I just hate making contact and actually talking to people in general.

I shook my head and told myself I should try and focus on the book I had been blank-mindedly skimming over it while not paying attention whatsoever

I went back over it and got lost deep within their history.....

Then I heard the library door open loudly and a skeleton walked in, looking like a celebrity waltzing in to a Starbuck's on a Sunday afternoon to me

"THE MAGNIFICENT SANS HAS ARRIVED IN FIRST PLACE!" The short skeleton was extremely loud, not to mention adorable.

I slapped myself mentally for thinking that and tried to get my eyes of this adorable little blueberry muffin

No, he is not adorable

'You know he is, I know you want to have him curl up in your lap and start snoring like a little ki- '

No, I need to finish studying

I caught another glance at him, he was now talking to the librarian, who was a nice, bear, old lady monster (Lol,wut?)

His getup was adorable, I had to stop myself from nose bleeding and passing out

From his little blue boots to his tiny, little-

No, you need to study, you need to finish this before-

I looked up again and when a taller skeleton came in, out of breath and panting while he bent over, holding his knees and trying to catch his breath

Once he finally did catch his breath, he straightened out his back, the smaller giving a pouting face as his conversation was interrupted

"Brother! What took you so long?!?!

The taller skeleton stuffed his hands in his jackets pocket's

"it's kinda hard to catch up to you when you run waaaaay faster than me"

How is nobody bothered by this?

It was getting hard to concentrate, so.....why not just bring the books to my house and read there?

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