10-One night sta-- wait, no, never mind

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When you woke up, you felt extra warmth with you under the covers and you had a splitting headache

you snuggled into the warmth and tried to regain feeling in your limbs

You could tell your legs were tangled in something and your arms were wrapped around something as well

You groaned and snuggled closer into the warmth and your nose pocked up the scent of sweet smoke, honey and alcohol. The smell made you blush for some reason, but your mind was so fuzzy from last night's alcohol that you didn't know why.

You felt hot breath on your bare back that made your spine be racked with tingles

The person under the covers with you groaned deeply and hugged you until your breast were pressed against his.......


Your eyes shot open and you held your breath, Papyrus groaned again, and began to stir awake, the unfamiliar feeling of your bed under him forcing his mind to try and keep it's guard up.

You tried to gently, Oh so gently, untangle your legs from his before he woke up, which was probably going to be soon

Your heart thumped hard in your chest and you could almost feel it in your ears, adding to your headache pain

Papyrus' hand slithered up from your thigh and up yo your butt, where he squeezed it tenderly, as he was still half-asleep and he was still trying to piece together if someone was sleeping with him, and if it was a boy or a girl

You squeaked at the contact and his eyes opened at the familiar sound, and  then, they met yours.

His eyes sockets widened until they were like dinner plates and you, out of first instinct, scrambled from the bed

You fell to the floor but you quickly rose to your feet and wrapped yourself in a blanket, you screamed with your mouth shut, since you were only in your (f/c) lace panties, and it implied some not-so Pg 13 things happened

Papyrus sat up and tried to calm you down "[y/n], wait-" You began to hyperventilate and your mind began to run into the "darker" side of the spectrum "Holy fucking guacamole, what if I get pregnant? is it even possible to have a hybrid baby? I had sex with my best friend, oh my god, oh my god, Oh. My. Freaking.god" you paced the floor fastly and ran a hand through your bed-head

"[y/n] wait, i'm-" He was cut off again when you put a hand to your lips tightly to hold in the vomit that was rising as you ran to the bathroom and hugged the porcelain bowl and hunched over it like it was your only friend

Papyrus teleported to the bathroom and held your hair away from your face, he took your inability to speak at the moment to explain

"listen, [y/n], you need to calm down, my head still fuzzy, but I can tell we didn't do that, and plus, i'm not dumb enough to sleep with you even if i was drunk" Something between Alcohol, a splitting headache and your mind still being clouded over, you couldn't take him little comment well, and as soon as you finished with your porcelain friend, you slapped him with all of your force and huffed, annoyed.

Papyrus couldn't figure out what he had done wrong, he had just given you information that could save you from a lifetime supply of anxiety and guilt

You stomped off  to your room and slammed the door so hard one of the screws to the hinges came off.

You repeated the words in your head over and over, it made your blood boil, though you had no idea why, it was probably just the rush of the moment and your massive hangover, you thought

You sat on your bed and threw the covers off you after you locked the door and scanned the room, there were clothes -both yours and his- tossed all around the room

Even though you didn't know why, your face turned red with anger as you kicked the covers off of you and fell backwards onto your bed

What an asshole, was the first thought that came to mind for you as you huffed once more

You gathered all the scattered clothes on the floor and threw them into the corner into your clothes basket and got some clothes and a towel and scurried to the bathroom, though the logic in your mind told you he wouldn't be creepin' in the bathroom.

You locked the doors, turned on the water and stripped of the little clothing you had on.

And, for some odd reason, a very, very, very

Dirty thought entered your mind

What if he saw me like this, and....liked it?

Your ears tingled with crimson blush up before you shook your head and stepped into the water

You let it calm your nerves by letting it run all over your body and with it's repeated pattern playing on your back and the sound of it hitting your shower floor.

You closed your eyes and tried to hide away from the world by just focusing on the water.

~~(Time skip)~~

You decided to try and distract your mind by writing a couple article structures.

But his words replayed in your mind

"i'm not dumb enough to sleep with you even if i was drunk"

You squeezed your computer until you thought it would crack before you threw it to the bed and huffed again, your face kept getting flustered.

you just wanted to-

"Ughh! Just-"

My phone rang before I could finish both my thought or my sentence, you grabbed your phone from your jacket's pocket and tried to calm yourself before you picked it up.


An unfamiliar, soft voice came from the other side

"U-Uh, yes, human? I was wondering if you could come over and maybe......talk to my brother? He's feeling like 'A piece of garbage', as he tells me, and uh....I thought you might know something about it and you could cheer him up?" You gripped the phone


you said that one word coldly and with anger in your tone

Sounds of surprise came from the other side as he tried frantically to find a way to convince you to, though you hung up the phone before he could.


Heyo! Howz it goin' my sweet baby potatoes, I hope you are feeling well.

The weekend is here, a reason for cheer.

Gonna' illegally drink some beer........

*clears throat*

So, I totally don't want to self advertise (*Cough* Yes *cough* *cough* I do *cough*)

Bu I have the Asylumtale book up and I would be pleased if you checked it out, it's a bit better than this in structure sometimes and it's fine like that chocolate I love Because Asylumtale is one of my favorite Au's

I mean, Underswap is too, but I kinda' just spit this story out for the shits and giggles of it until I realized people actually read it.

I think from all the advanced Reading & and English classes I've had that I've gotten better at writing, I may revise this story......


Happy trick-or-treating or whatever......

Imma just sit in the house watchin' Netflix and callin' up my friends and mooching off their candy/stealing it

And as always:

Stay Fresh & and Spoopy my Baby potatoes

~Honey senpai out

Don't love a book by it cover- (Shy! reader x Underswap! Papyrus)Where stories live. Discover now