2-It's not stalking.......right?

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I woke up when Moshuu straight up made my face his bed
Groaning, I pushed him off, only for him to hop right back on

"Moshuuuuuu,I need sleep" He got off and bit on my hand to tug on it

"I don't have to do anything today, let me sleeeeeeep"

He growled and I heard him dragging something to my bed, going back when he finished dragging the first thing to drag something else

He had dragged my slippers to the side of my bed,I put them on and I looked at the books I had abandoned at the bean bag chair, my mind trying to trigger me to do something, but it never came to me, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast:

Eggs, bacon and my famous cinnamon and nutmeg pancakes, with my also very famous salted caramel mocha latte

I dug into my breakfast, occasionally giving Moshuu tiny pieces of my pancake.

I was supposed to do something, but what?

I almost spit out my food as I realized I was supposed to return those books early today.

Putting my plate of food down on the floor for Moshuu to finish eating, I quickly showered and got dressed, I had absolutely no late fees on my library card, and I wasn't going to start having them now

~~(Time skip brought to you by Moshuu's cuteness)~~

I had thrown on a grey sweater and put on some leggings, lugging the book's in my backpack to the library.

"Alright, just return the books and reasearch, then leave, no distractions or-"

I saw the two skeletons though the window as I walked closer 

Oh my god 

They'll probably notice me

I walked in and put my bag on the desk and began taking the books out, not making eye contact with the librarian once the entre time

I nodded thanks and took my back pack, going to the table I usually go to where no one would bother me, not looking up a single time and staring at the very interesting floor

I took out my laptop, and some more book's as began researching, I might as well finish up my work since I'm already here

Since I had stayed up all night working on it, I didn't need that much done anymore

I tried to speed type and double check everything as fast as possible so I could haul-ass out of there sooner rather than later

"Brother! Let's get this one!"

"are ya' sure bro? it's kinda' long" (lol, that's what she said)
I found myself observing them, oddly enough they were in the children's section looking through the 'fluffy bunny's adventures' books.

"we could always come back tomorrow, you already have so many of them at home"

"But brother! We've already read them all! The libraries here have so many of them!"

"well i guess you're right, I'd only have-"

The smaller skeleton not-so-playfully started hitting him on the shoulder "Don't you dare!"

"-myshelf to blame if you didn't get your bedtime story" The shorter skeleton pouted and threw his hand up in defeat "I officially hate you Papyrus!"
"c'mon bro, i can see you smiling" The shorter skeleton pulled up his scarf over his mouth "No I'm not!"

Watching those two argue was the highlight of my day.

~~(bullet ball and bullet ball extreme)~~

Ever since I figured out that they came to the library almost everyday I began stalki- watching them

Finding any excuse to leave the house to go to the library and convince myself that I was just doing extra research for an article on monsters I had finished a couple of days ago

if I were actually stalking them, I would know every thing about them

I just know their favorite colors, book preferences, and food's...

And a couple of other things.......

Oh my god.

I am stalking them


LOL you're a creep-o



Thanks for reading this cringey piece of my imagination slapped onto a virtual page, or as normal people call it, a CHAPTER, weird huh?

I appreciate that you had the patience to read this, I decided to write this for no reason in particular and I'm glad people like it, please put some suggestions out there for me so I can make it better

Stay fresh and read on my baby potatoes

~Honey senpai out

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