3-Can't help but wonder

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I chewed on my pen as my mind tried to generate more ideas, writers block was being a pain in the neck right about now and the fact that my mind was on two things at once wasn't helping, since I had figured out I was kinda stalking the two skeletons I decided to ignore it completely since I knew it would probably just be a bother

My brain, however, had other plans.

Every time they came into the library I would always watch from my little corner, then I would later scold myself for letting it get in my way of work since they were totally out of my sad, shriveled league

I only thought that because I knew I would never have the courage to talk to them

For me, it was the same as trying to catch the wind

I shook my head and scolded myself again for not paying attention to my work, the thing that provided me with food each week

I had been behind on it and my boss was threatening to fire me if I 'didn't get my act together' I had no choice to go with it even though he was a complete meanie to me all of the time

The door flung open and the bell dinged furiously and I'm sure it fell off of it's hinges, but to my surprise, it didn't

More writer's block fuzzed over my thought's, because I knew exactly who it was

I never understand why I keep coming back here.............

The little blueberry went full speed to check out the children's section(probably a new book came out)

His brother came it a couple minutes later (yes, a couple minutes, cuz' he's that lazy)

I was put off track because it was so distracting, I needed the satisfaction of getting my work done so I shoved my laptop and notebook into my bag and got out of there as fast as possible to get home.

~~(Time skip brought to you by: dat ass)~~

I was so stressed out about the article I was supposed to write that I got a mouth full of ink because I bit my pen so hard I pierced through it with my teeth (It's one of the plastic ones of course)

I could just scream because of my writer's block, my work depends on me not having it, and I'm pretty sure I would have screamed if I wasn't afraid of disturbing my neighbors and ruining my perfect year of being in the apartment of mine without a complaint from anyone

But what I could do was snap my computer in half, but though it was tempting, I knew I needed it for my job, so I tore a couple of useless notes from my notebook instead

This is the 3rd total pile of horse crap I had written today

I rested my cheek onto the table and tried to get my brain to think something up for an interesting article about monsters, but it's a lot harder than you think, since most people only talk about how bad it is their alive and out of the mountain they were trapped under for hundreds of years, annnnnd because I don't have any friends who are monsters available to me (Not like I have any friend's at all........)

Talking to them was out of the question, since I wouldn't know how to interact with another living being even if I took a class on it. And there wasn't that much information on them because they hadn't been here that long

Moshuu, my fat and jolly cat, left my bed and climbed onto my desk, before crawling onto the top of my head and getting comfy there as I still had my cheek on my desk

"You're my only friend.......you know that you little fatzo?" I was talking to the only other being who I would be around for more than 5 minutes

And he was a cat

I only got a happy 'Meow' from him, he knows how to cheer me up every time I'm down "Moshuu you're such a good advice giver, what great insight", I said sarcastically and I got another happy 'Meow' from him

I know exactly how to get my writers spirit alive and well

The only solution would be the one, the only..........ramen noodles and cookies

~~(Time skip)~~

After a night of ramen noodles, cookies and coffee, I finally wrote something for my boss and sent it by 12:17 p.m.

I was as tired as balls by then

I still pushed myself to pull an all nighter so I could write a couple of small articles so I could please my boss even further and not have him on my tail feathers 24/7 like a hound dog

He was a huge ass to me all the time, but I had to pull through because the pay was extremely good and because I loved to write and this was a job that allowed me to write free style

I was unable to go to sleep even after all of that even though I wanted to

So for right now, I'm just going to watch the sun rise from my little window nook and sip on some of my mocha latte.

I wonder how those monsters feel now that their finally able to see the sunset after all those years, and I also wonder why my boss is always on my case about me writing about monsters and stuff related to them if it was a freestyle job, and some other stuff like............what would life be like without fingers?

I also wonder if I could finally grab the courage to talk to those two skeletons, since it always seemed to run away from me as far as it possibly could


Hello my sweet baby potatoes~

I'm back from the dead, I'M ALIVE

I'm here again with another piece of my imagination for you, hope you enjoyed!

I wrote this before I had anything to eat today(i'm too lazy to get up and get food) so my brain was on derp mode , it's trash, I know, but I couldn't get any words down onto the page and progress with the plot

And I know what you're thinking "But, But.......Honey- senpai, I thought-" *puts hands on their cheek's and squishes them together to shush them*

"Hush my baby potato, all will be revealed if you stay patient"


I have a question for you guys, and whoever has the best answer will be featured in my Next book as one of the characters(I kinda can't do it in this one cause' if I do you won't like who you come out as), if you don't want to you don't have to it dose'nt really matter

(It's your life and whatever.........)

If any skeleton from any Undertale Au were to drink lot's of milk, would it make them stronger and taller or affect there body at all, or would it have no effect, since they're magic skeletons? Y'know, since milk helps your bones grow and become stronger N' stuff.

stay fresh and read on my baby potato's

~Honey senpai out (I needed to know, even though it's silly and probably stupid, but I couldn't ask any of my roommates, since none of them understand or like undertale :) )

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