4-Fear me, for I wield a book in my hands

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Wait, what?

Why was I thinking about them? wondering about them? wondering if I could be friends with them when I knew it was impossible?

I tried to pry the image of the two skeletons out of my head, even though I had straight up spent a week "stalking" them, I wanted the past to be the past, but this feeling kept nagging at me, eventually giving me a headache

I reached for my phone and I hesitated, the feeling slapping me across the face again and I felt a wave of courage fill me

Y'know what?

Maybe, just maybe, I could talk to the two, since monsters are known for being kind and loving

Okay then, as soon as I go out, I'm going to make some friends.

Or at least try to.

I sipped on my latte as I tried to make up the perfect conversation I would hold, thinking of all the things that could go wrong and how I could fix them, even though every rule of introvert 101 was screaming at me to stop, I really did want to make friends with the two

I mean, c'mon, If anyone else saw two skeletons walking around like it was nothing they would be curious too.

After making the decision, I felt worry fill me and evaporate the wave of courage

How the hell did I expect myself to do this?!!!

~~(time skip, because I'm a lazy butt)~~

After I walked in, all my thoughts instantly turned to mush.

The librarian waved at me and gave me a sweet smile, to which I replied with by walking faster to my little quiet corner.

I was going to really do it, talk to another person, try to make friends with them. I needed something to get my mind off of it, even though my thoughts were mush I needed something to distract me.

My heart was racing faster than a cheetah runs and I felt like I would puke out my stomach because it was doing so many flips, butterfly's swarmed in my stomach and my brain was anticipating talking with another person so much, I felt like when I finally got to talk to them all the words jumbled in my head would spill out like water.


My head shot towards the door, and I calmed myself when I saw it was just a human coming to return a book.

I stood up and picked out a book on the shelf behind me and tried to distract myself from the anticipation of talking to another person with it, then I heard another:


I looked up from the book slowly and only let my eyes peek out

It was him.

The time was near.

I'm not ready.

Oh god

I can't think clearly, why did I think this would be a good idea!!?

I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing when he went to the children's section with.......well......childish glee

My legs moved on their own as some form of courage filled me, my book was still in hand, my legs were shaky and weak, but they moved nonetheless.

I made my way over and peered over at him from around the corner of a bookshelf, my legs still threatening to stop holding me up.

Just as I opened my mouth, Just as I was about to step forward, Just as I was about to make a friend with the little blueberry muffin:

"whatcha' doin there?"

Out of surprise, I turned around and smacked the source of the voice with my book, and I heard a firm clack of their jaw.

No one even noticed, since there weren't any people other than the person I just hit, the little blueberry and me in the children's section

I held my breath, I couldn't help but do the first thing that came to mind, and if this person was a regular at the library I don't think I would ever be able to come back, out of embarrassment.

I searched madly for words as I stared down at the floor in guilt, my heart was now equaling it's pace to a speed of Mach 1

"I-I.......Uhhhhhh.......s-sorry, I d-d-didn't " I was stuttering madly, knowing he would be pissed.

"Eh, s'alright, accidents happen" I noticed that voice, it was him, and only him, wincing in pain before me was the little blueberry's brother.

He was adjusting his jaw, that was a little bit lopsided from my hit.

"What's wrong brother?" I stared at my book like it was a murder weapon as the blueberry's voice filled my ears

So sweet and childish, and so close to me I could almost touch it

My insides were being mashed harder than potato's by now (NOOOOOOO!!!!! MY BABIES!!!)

"Eh, came to check and see what you were getting until a human booked it to me" The way he made a joke from it made my heart slow down slightly, so I'd say Mach 0.9

"Brother!!!! why must you- OH.MY. STARS!!!!!" when he caught full sight of me, he hugged me so hard I'm pretty sure I would be going home with a couple of bruised ribs and a doctors appointment with my name on it "You're the human from last week!!!" blush dusted my cheeks, just the fact he remembered me was a miracle in itself

"Y-Yes.......(Y/N)......" He had put me down by now and I was glad that the universe decided not to be an ass to me today, when I needed it the most "Well, I am the magnificent sans!!! Mwehehheh!"

I nodded politely, since I knew this already "And that's my lazy brother Papyrus!" I saw him wave, his jaw was already adjusted and I was relieved, but I still felt guilty nonetheless "Do you think we could be friends miss (Y/N)?" He was so childish and trusting I had to say yes, and I ended up with his phone number on my phone and my phone number on his, and I ended up apologizing to his brother until I lost count.

I also ended up scheduling a "Hang out" with him

Let's just say........when I got home, I did something I didn't think I had the lung capacity for

Now I understand how fan girls must feel.


This is just a little hint to what's gonna happen in the next few chapters:

Me: (Hands reader-chan a shovel)

Reader-chan: What do I need this for?

Me: Ya' dug your self into this mess, now you have to get out

Reader-chan: ???????

Me: You shall soon see my baby potato, you shall soon see...*walks off laughing evilly*

Me: MWAHAHAHAHA, FEAR ME PESANT! I have the power of GODS on my side-I mean uhhhhhhh........

Stay fresh and read on my sweet baby potato's :3c

~Honey-senpai out

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