5- Prince harming

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When he said "Hang out" I thought we were going to be playing video games or something, or maybe a friendly meetup at a café

But ha! The universe wants me to pay it back for it being nice to me.

The little blueberry invited 4 other people -I believe their names were Chara, Happstablook, Alphys and Asgore-, 4 people who would be able to see me mess up if I did, 4 people who would most likely want to talk with me, and 4 people wo were actually normal, unlike me.

But, as always, I found a way to weave my self out of the situation.

I stationed myself in the little blueberry's room after claiming I had an upset stomach. So now I'm just going to stay here until everyone leaves

I let out a sigh and put my back up against the bed and pulled my knees to my chest, I also pulled my sweater over my legs to get myself cozy. I heaved another sigh, I could hear everybody laughing and talking down stairs. I really wish I could be able to talk to someone instead of being a lone introvert around others (Preach girl, Preach!)

I hugged my legs even tighter to my chest under my sweater and I tried to ocupy myself with my phone.

~~(this time skip is a manifestation of my laziness)~~

After a couple hours everybody left and the little blueberry came to check on me "Human? Are you feeling any better?" I bit my lip "A-A little" I stood up and put my phone on his bed and made my way over to him

I wasn't telling a complete lie, my stomach was still trying to demonstrate it's advanced gymnastics to me "I should have made you my famous medicinal tacos, how could have the magnificent sans be so foolish?, and a bad host too!" I let out a quiet sigh, he thought he was bad at something because of me "I-It's okay......I'll just drink some ginger ale or something when I get home" He looked sad for a moment "Oh....You're leaving..... But the magnificent sans shall walk you home and make up for being a bad host!" I nodded, if it would make him feel better then I was fine with doing it

The little blueberry skipped away as jolly as can be downstairs and I followed after him, my nails were digging into the flesh of my palm when I saw his brother standing by the door with him as well, his eyes glared into my soul saying 'As if I'm going to let a human like you go out alone with my brother' before they turned back to their normal, lazy and carefree gaze.

I gave them directions so I wouldn't have to on the way and as we walked out I lagged far behind them so no conversations would start up, something was nagging the back of my brain, like I just forgot something or-

It's probably nothing, I hope

I let out a quiet sigh and continued walking, and before I knew it we were already at my apartment buildings doors

"Wowie human! You live in this entire thing?" I stopped chewing on the inside of my cheek "N-No, I just own an apartment, I-it's nothing fancy" He gave me such a wide smile I thought his skull would crack "The magnificent sans will be able to see your house?!!!" I couldn't say no to the little blueberry, but I also didn't want to say yes, my place was super boring "Uh....ummmm........-" For once I was glad the blueberry's brother was talking while I was around "we gotta' get home though bro, maybe later" I let out a silent sigh of relief and I rested my hand on the handle to the doors and swung them open, the smell of pine and lemon smacked me across the face and the freezing cold air conditioning I had grown used welcomed me back with open arms.

"Y-You guys don't have to follow me up" I said, as they were still trailing behind me

"It's only right that the magnificent sans leads you all the way to your door just in case something happens!" I could tell he was just eager to look around but I kept silent, I stepped into the mirrored elevator and hit a couple buttons and swiped my key card before the door closed on us "Why is it necessary humans see themselves in this machine?" I looked down at the floor, looking for an answer "guess it's just a reflection of how much humans want to look good" I stifled a laugh as the little blueberry stopped poking at the mirror to turn to his brother with pure childish anger bubbling over in him.

The door opened with a ding and saved me from witnessing the blueberry kill his brother because of his horrible puns.

"W-Well this is the place so......" The blueberry gave me a hug that knocked the air out of me

Who needs it anyway?

He put me down and I took extra deep breaths to fill my lungs with much needed oxygen

He is a lot stronger than he looks

"Goodbye human, I hope you feel better soon!!" He said, and I almost squealed at the words, he was so cute.

"i'll catch up bro' go on ahead without me" He was probably just being lazy, there's no need for him to talk to me so-

"we need to have a little chat"

Those 7 words made my heart stop, the tone he used made it drop to the ground like a weight and just the fact he was saying those words to me made my stomach knot up

"Y-Yes?" My voice was shaky and almost inaudible "Listen, I can tell you have good intentions to make friends with my bro'-" His tone was serious and it made me almost wet my pants "But if you ever hurt him in any way I'll break all your bones and pick my teeth with them" He had grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head with just one of his hands, his other showing off a deadly orange aura that was way too close that looked like it would be able to disintegrate me before I could make a sound "Got it?" His grip on my wrist was tighter and his face was inches from mine, a snarl was somehow formed on his mouth that looked like it could kill "Y-Yes sir!"

His grip loosened and he let go of me, his care free attitude back in the blink of an eye.

He snorted out a laugh "sir? nah, just papyrus" I nodded frantically "I wasn't tryna' scare ya', just to give you a warning"

Yeah you were-

He read my mind "i'm just tryna' protect my bro, it's kinda hard to on the surface though, y'know?" I could see his eyes show kindness and another expression I couldn't quite put my thumb on , probably because my life was just threatened, could be.

He was just trying to be good brother, I can't blame him "anyways, laters" He waved and then disappeared in thick wisps of orange aura.

I picked up my key card from the floor with shaky hands and I swiped it in the little slit next to my door

I closed it behind me and slid down the other side of it, with my heart still thundering out of my chest after that little incident.


Helloooooooooo my baby potato's, hope you enjoyed this

I can tell you're happy that the plot is finally getting into place (You little impatient-) Comments and reviews are always welcome so don't be shy (Oh! and suggestions too, I could use some of those)


See ya' next chapter!

Stay fresh and read on my baby potatoes

~Honey senpai out

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