Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up with the smile plastered on my lips. Revenge was an incredible thing.

I roll over. It was 12:17 am. I realize I didn't have my pjs on so I quickly walk to the bathroom with my big tee shirt that had Ninja Turtles on it. I remove my jeans and tank top and dress.

I walk back into the room and lay down.

I wake up again later to a yell of frustration. I jump out of bed and run out of the cabin.

What was going on?

I run towards where people were gathering and see what it was.

Realization hit me.

I fell over laughing once I saw Alec's hair. It was stuck out in places and his head still had 'Arrigant written on it.

He glared at me. 'I hate you, too' I think to myself.


I walk into the cabin after being outside for an our to a Kylee and Alec kissing scene.

"Oh my goodness gracious"I scream when I see it shielding my poor eyes.

I could already see the smirk on Alec's stupid face.

"Mouse! What the fuck?!"Kylee said to me.

"My poor eyes"I say keeping then covered.

"Mouse get out!"Kylee said anger evident in her voice.

"I do believe boys aren't allowed in the cabin after 5. It's 8. Get his ass out"

"Mouse"Kylee pleaded.

"Kylee I'm serious. Get him the **** out"I say like spitting acid out of my mouth.

"You better go Alec"Kylee says sighing leaning away from him.

"Bye babe"he says kissing her cheek and walking out of the cabin.

"Are you fucking crazy?"I half screamed at her.

"It's a trick doll. Oh and he's hot. I'm going to help you with your pranks. I don't even like Alec. Sisters before misters"Kylee giggled and smiled at me reassuring me. I took a spoon and grabbed my Nutella and ate two bites.

"Your pretty smart Kylee"I say smiling brightly at her.

"I know"she says laughing pulling her and around me.


I sat beside Kylee and Alexis. We were eating with all the other campers but just at another table.

I laughed along with them. I saw a shadow appear from behind me and turn towards it.


"Oh hey"I say politely waving at her.

She gave me a look of disgust and turned towards Kylee.

"You and me are going to have trouble. Alec is mine" Vanessa says getting in Kylee's face.

"I'm sorry do you own people. I thought slavery was illegal"I say snapping at her.

She turns to me.

"And who are you again? This is an ab conversation. C your way out of it"she snaps at me. I laugh lightly.

"Well now it's an abc conversation. Get used to that"I say back to her smiling kindly and speaking with a positive tone.

"Oh. I see. Your her slave"Vanessa says turning onto me.

"I really need to buy you a history book"I say turning away from her back to my food.

I walk back to my cabin a few hours after lunch. I flung open the door and saw thousands of spiders crawling all over the place.

I scream at the top of my lungs. I step back and trip over a rock landing on my ass. A spider crawls towards me and I scream bloody murder. Everyone else was at the lake but I came back to get my towel.

I stomp repeatedly on the spider and scream at one on my arm. I feel someone's hand brushing the spider off and helping me off of the ground.

It was Alec.

"Did you do this?"I say horrified at all of the brown and black furry little baby demons crawling along.

"No, Vanessa did"Alec replied saying her name like it was acid he was spitting out.

"I guys you don't like her?"I say looking at him. He brings a hand through his dark curls and frowns.

"That's an understatement"he replied "so what did you do to piss of the demon from hell"

"Said some stuff to her because she was messing with Kylee. No one is going to mess with my friends"I say firmly.

"I have an idea for payback"he says with a small smile playing at the edge of his lips.

"You want to help me. I thought you hated me"I say to him shocked.

"I don't like you and I don't care about you but I hate Vanessa enough I'll work with anyone"he says smirking at me.

"Fine. What's your idea of payback?"

He tells me his plan and I nod my head smiling. It was literal perfection and it would be done tonight.

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