I'm blogging about my life. Hence the tittle I'm a 13 year old girl who loves to write and read. And if you stumble upon this under the tag "thepals" I love them so much and I talk about them a lot in here. So battling my 3 siblings, squeezing in t...
So I got caught up in photo editing that I forgot about this. Sorry.
So today I went with 4-h(it suggested Denis. I wish) to the foreigner museum. Or something like that. I forgot. But anyways we got to see the old worlds, Germany and Ireland. I was excited for Ireland, because I have Irish blood from my mom. And I have Scottish and Italian(I tried to replace Ireland with Italy) blood from my dad. I forgot what it's called. Anyways unrelated. Lets start on the right track.
Ireland. The land of blacksmiths, spinning and weaving, and small houses. I'm on delayed sugar. So we went to a blacksmith. He made a hook, and told us that blacksmiths were middle class and had to do lots of world. I could talk about this all day but we have a lot to cover. So lets say that the hook was useful and pretty. Also, one more fact, the new world would never make it without blacksmiths. Moving onto the Irish house. A small two room house. The second room we diddnt go in, but it was used for storing fibers I think. So the main room has a bed in a corner, a huge fireplace, a loom, a table, and holes in the walls for storage. So you could never own land in Ireland. (hey that rhymes!!!) You could only rent it. And the landlords were the rich ones. The children slept on the floor in straw mats. Before I get to tired to write, lets walk for ten days over to Germany. I don't see a problem with that.(my feet still hurt from all that walking)
Germany. The land where a plant grows in the center of the garden. So we only had enough time to visit Germany's farm so this will be short. So what is the greatest tool back in the day and still around today? The internet!!! Don't worry just a joke because my WiFi decided to cut off. (Shentel, where you at?) The greatest tool must be ancient if it was around in the 1600. Or 16 something. Well in way it is ancient because its been with people for however long we existed. You might even say it's attached, it's been sticking around us, even before we were born. Have you guessed it yet? I'm sure everyone's screaming at me right now wondering what on earth this thing is. I'll give you one more hint. We wouldn't be able to do so many things. In sure there's an alternative route, but it would take so long to learn. In done I promise, its our hands. Our hands can do practically anything. I could move onto African Culture, but I want to go over the houses. Also I don't remember much, so that's just my lazy excuse.
I'm going to skip over the first house or two and onto the third 'cause in dying here. So in the third house we went over natural remideies that people use in the past. Do I really have to explain? So the lady told the adults to pick someone. "Madaline" they instantly say. Why? Probably because I'm the only 13 year old there.(oldest) No its probably because I'm responsible and they know me. Geuss what I was needed for. A remideie for a croupy cough. So I pretended to have a cough and she cured it with.... I forgot. Sorry to dissapoint. Then they chose more people which I forgot. Lets put a funfact because I want to. I had to get x-rayed for pneumonia like 3 or four times. Never had it, thank goodness. The first time was when I was 6 or 7, so my brother was a baby. My mind was just blown for a second. My brother is currently 7. OMG its just going to keep up with his age. Pow. I can't believe it. I wonder how many more will come. So the first time when I was x-rayed my mom came with me. We left my brother with the nurses, who loved him. I remember being scared. Not much else. Next time was when I was 9 or ten, maybe? I don't know. Maybe it was only twice, but I feel like it was 3 times. Well I remember this one. The interesting one. I was in fifth grade. No pneumonia. Instead I had asthmatic bronchitis. And I don't have asthma. Or not that I know of. So basically I had this orange inhaler, that I can't remember exactly how it works. But I had to take that for a while.
So there you go, story time with Madaline is over. And this is the fourth update. So many notifications. I might do two more. I belive. Yeah for explaining this mess of some oldish story parts. This is from a day ago. And since I'm nice I'll show you a screenie.
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Honestly, who would blame him. I would never watch that either. Just acidentaly pushed the publish button. I doubt anyone's gone through this all the way, wondering why I didn't say goodbye. So everyone have fun sliding on rainbows!!!🌈