6-17-17 I got that date so wrong its 6-11-17

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I'm so so tired right now I'm not sure if I can do this in an hour. I might end up falling asleep in the making of this so it might be posted on the 17. Who knows?

Today I woke up at twelve again. Or around their. It was a late night that no one wants to hear about because I already talked about it. I had three waffles though. Yummy. We went skating again. And I won the dice game! So I got a KitKat. Yay. Then we went swimming. My mom started hitting me with the noddle so I took it from her. I'm sure you could imagine that battle. Now I'm home and very tired. Everything wore me out. And now I'm going to watch a video hopefully so you can still have that section.

So this is probably going to be weak but I'm doing one. This video is by thepals. The obby creator with Alex and Corl in it. I want to know Alex's middle name now. We do find out his legal first name is Alexander. But I can imagine Corl questioning Alex after the video. It might go like: "Yeah." *Video ends* "Okay, Alex tell me your middle name." I told you this one would be weak. Okay let me end this now.

So before we go you have to tell me one thing. Who in hockey do you want to win the Stanley Cup. The Pittsburgh Penguins, or the Nashville Predators? Comment below. I know the game has started but I still want to know. I might watch it. Idk. Anyways sleep tight!!!

And Penguins all the way!!!👏😃

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