Just me and my dreams

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So in sitting in my room right now daydreaming. Do I have to tell you that I've been daydreaming about the pals? And it's all because of a collage I made of them. I love it so much that I want to print it, frame it, and then send it to them. If only someone had a po box I could send it to them. And that would be Sketch, because he might make one in the future. Then I would tell him to send one to the other pals. I can picture it so perfectly in a frame. And my mind then continues to fantisie them making a video about it. If that ever comes true, I will cry in joy of that video. Or two. Sketch is the closest one to me. He only lives 626 miles away from me. So about ten hours. If there's a YouTube event anywhere near the eastern half of the u.s, and at least one of the pals will be there, I will find a way to go one way or another. And give them a printed version of my collage. I swear I will find a way. Birthday present possibly. I don't know what I want for my b-day next year, and if I find out that the pals are going, and I get my parents to agree, that would be the best day of my life. Meeting everyone is my dream, this being one of my biggest dreams, alongside getting into chattam, and finding a unicorn. Though I can say that chattam and meeting them are tied. Its just one of those things I have to do before I lose interest (which I never will) or they stop making videos. And I think that's going to be the saddest day. I just want to meet them. I think in August my siblings and dad are going to Maryland, but if in wrong and their going to Massachusetts ending up anywhere near Boston in coming in the offchance of meeting Sketch or Ethan. They're going to do a meet up with my dads family. Um crazy thought, oh nevermind that's never going to be a posblity. Though one more thing before our pizza comes, I looked a Twitter before I did this (no account yet though I need one) and as in sure most of you know by now, some interesting things happened. So I went to sketches Twitter first, and saw "Alex is dying sike" So I was like um what? I went to his profile, saw him in the hospital, well first saying he's out, but that pic still made me have a semi freak out. I also instantly knew it was his asthma. Next I went to Din Din's... Hold on the dominoes car pulled up but another one also pulled up. I geuss the wrong address. But we ordered pizza so in gonna see if they got it.

So two domino's cars came. We got our food so 👍lets get back to this fandom.

So I went to Denis' profile to see he took two pictures of Alex. Though why does corl like to wear glasses indoors? The first one Alex looked fine, but the other one is, Stop taking pictures of sick me and posting them. Or its the I'm sick stop being annoying.  Also where do you find a place to get hot chocolate at 11pm? I'm assuming its at night because I'm 3 hours ahead of them. So I could have miscounted. Though honestly in just glad he's okay. I hope he takes it easy for a few days. I'm not expecting any videos from him for three or four days. Unless Denis and Corl are tired in tomorrows videos they're tired. I'm sure Din Din will be yawning. The worst part about Alex being in the hospital is that I was up at 12am. I cannot believe it. I would've stayed up the extra hours if I could. If only I had a Twitter. I'm gonna ask that right now. While you wait you can enjoy this screenie of Denis.(I would show you my collage but I don't want anyone to steal it.)

So he didn't pretend to be Corl in this or purposely made that hand

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So he didn't pretend to be Corl in this or purposely made that hand. I think it's just one of those perfect moment pictures.

So no Twitter because I diddn't ask. But I have to ask tomorrow so I don't miss out on all the excitement. I'm either gonna watch yt or stare at my collage for another hour listening to everyone intro songs. Night.

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