So I need to address a fact right here and right now. Bullying. It's happening in my school even though I don't see it, and it's probably happening in your school, and most other schools. Well this year is bad. People have already started and it's almost the end of the third week. Not okay. My sister and her friend said that the older kids were being bullys to their grade. So I addressed that fact this morning with my group of sixth graders. I went over to their groups and told them to stick up for victims, and tell the bully to stop, and that's it's not cool and it's not okay. And unfortunately a few said they gotten bullied themselves. I feel so bad for them, and I told them that, and the guidance counclers were always there and I was. The older kids are the ones who are bulling them, so that means seventh and eighth grade. Good job my grade. (Sarcasm). I just really needed to put this out there. Bullying is not cool, or okay. Help the victims out and stand up to them. And spread the message too. Tape a unicorn to your head and spread the cheer. (The assistant prinapal said that). Okay I'll stop now. See you guys later. Bye-bye!!!
Blogs about my life
De TodoI'm blogging about my life. Hence the tittle I'm a 13 year old girl who loves to write and read. And if you stumble upon this under the tag "thepals" I love them so much and I talk about them a lot in here. So battling my 3 siblings, squeezing in t...