That Guy

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I was walking through Beverly Hills and checked out the sights. Chanel, Prada, and Starbucks filled the sidewalks. Since I was hungry, I headed into a pizza shop.

" Hello! Welcome to Giovanni's Pizzeria! How may I help you?" a perky blonde girl who's name tag named Amy exclaimed.

"Um...yeah. I'll have two slices of pizza with just cheese and a medium Orange soda.", I said.

"Is that for here or to go?"

"For here."

"Ok! Hold on just a sec!" After that the perky Amy left and headed for the kitchen in the back. I just sat down at the barstool and waited for my pizza. As I was on Instagram, I heard a small bell ring from the front door. TING! As I popped up my head to see who entered the pizzeria, all objects around me stopped.


I couldn't stop staring at the guy. He looked Mexican, he had dark brown eyes, and he was wearing a shirt with my favorite Disney princess on it:Ariel. As I kept on staring he then stared at me.

Great. Now he noticed that I was staring at him. He probably thinks that I'm a perverted weird girl who just stares at guys all day. But when he stared at me, he gave me Not just a normal friendly smile, but a seductive smile. I bit my lip as we both stared at each other.

"Pizza's ready!!"

The stare contest was over as I got up to get my pizza and drink.

"Um...can you make my pizza to go instead?" I questioned Amy.

"Sure!" As Amy put my pizza in the brown paper bag, i slightly turned to the guy who was STILL staring at me. He gave me a smile and I quickly turned away.

"Here you go! And have a nice day!"

As I walked out of the pizzeria, I looked at the guy one more time. He bit his lip while he winked at me and i felt my cheeks get really hot and I scurried out of the pizzeria.

"Da fudge? Did that guy just try to hit on me??"

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