4th of July

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A few weeks later....

It was the 4th of July and me and Josh was throwing a cookout. We called all of our friends to come, even our parents. As I was setting up everything outside, Josh and his friends helped bring out all the meaty foods: hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, and ribs. They all sat the foods on the table.

" Thank you guys for helping out. I don't think Josh would go done all this by himself," I thanked Jorge, David, Eric and the other Josh.

" No problem, Leah. Besides, Josh ain't all that strong anyways. His muscles are just for show anyways," Eric joked.

" I heard that!" Josh exclaimed from the other side of the yard. We all laughed and started setting up the other stuff.

We finally finished setting up the backyard and we were now getting dressed. I wore my dark blue denim shorts with a red, white and blue short-sleeved shirt with ruffles at the bottom. And to match, I put on my red, white and blue Jordans. I decided to just put on water-proof eyeliner and mascara. After I checked myself in the mirror, I headed downstairs and Josh and his friends were watching TV.

" No,no,no,no,no! He so could of caught that!" Josh screamed at the TV. I laughed and walked in the living room.

" Well people are gonna be here soon so we should get ready," I said.

" Oh, we could wait. We have plenty of time," Josh said swatting his hand to me. I gave him a dirty look.

" I mean, okay," Josh corrected himself nervously. I smiled and headed outside.


The yard was packed with people chatting and eating. It felt good to see everybody happy and having fun. Josh was on the grill until Leilani showed up.

" Um, excuse me. I think I should be on the grill," she said.

" I don't know what you're talking about 'cause I'm the ONLY person who should be on the grill," Josh said manly.

" I could make the good taste better," Leilani countered.

" Ok, if you say so. Take over the grill."

" My pleasure." Leilani grabbed the spatula and started flipping the burgers. I laughed and headed over to my friends.

" Hey guys! Are you guys enjoying yourselves?" I asked smiling.

" Yeah!" they said in unison. I nodded and headed over to my parents' table.

" You guys doing okay?"

" I'm fine. It's just that your father, of course, wants to start an argument!" my mom said giving him a dirty look.

" I'm not the one who starts the arguments! You're always complaining about something!" my dad yelled.

" Can you guys NOT do this here? It's the 4th of July and it's supposed to be a fun day for everyone. If you wanna bicker, do it somewhere else and not here," I frowned and headed to Josh's parents.

" Hola Sr. y la Sra. Leyva. ¿Están disfrutando de ustedes mismos?" I asked.

" Sí, y la comida es deliciosa, por cierto," they both said. I smiled and walked away. I walked to the front of the yard to get a good view of everybody. This is a good day. I smiled at the view until I heard the gate shut close. I turned around and was shocked at who I saw.

" How are you gonna have a cookout and not invite me?" Katherine said. She smiled at everyone, even though they all had dirty looks in their faces. Katherine walked right pass me, shoving me with her shoulders. I walked to the table where all my friends were at.

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