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" What do you mean ' Your water broke'?" panicked Peter.

" Like I said: My water broke! I have to get to a hospital... now!" screamed Sterling. Peter helped Sterling get from the table. She was waddling very hastily while Peter was leading the way. We all stood up and followed Sterling outside.

" Hey!" I shouted. The couple turned around and look at us.

" We're coming with you.", stated Valeria.

" No, you guys don't have to do that. Valeria, it's your wedding day and I don't wanna ruin that."

" You're not ruining it, you just made it even better. Having your child born on the day of my wedding will be..."

" Memorable.", finished Josh. I looked at him, smiling. He smiled back.

" We're going with you whether you like it or naww!" exclaimed Aholibanna.

" Yeah. Agreed.", said Pamela drinking a blue Slurpee. Sterling shrugged and all of us walked to our cars and headed for the hospital.


" UGH!!!! GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!!" I could see the pain in Sterling's eyes. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. Peter was holding her left hand while Valeria held the right.

" It's gonna be okay, baby. I'm right here.", Peter assured Sterling. Now she was crying tears of pure pain. Then after 20 minutes, the doctor finally came.

" Oh now you wanna come!" screamed Karyne flailing her arms in the air.

" Hello. My name is Dr. Corey. Now, which one of you is Sterling R.?" asked Dr. Corey.

" She's in room 224.", answered a nurse.

" Look, we've been waiting for 20 minutes and she's screaming in that room right now. If you don't go in there and help her I will smash this Slurpee in your face!" screamed Pamela angrily. We all looked at her in shock. She's never been that angry ever! Even the doctor had a shock expression.

" Just saying.", Pamela finished calmly. The doctor laughed and went inside the room Sterling was in.


2 hours later.....

" I'm so hungry!" whined Dayana.

" Me too.", said Kenny and Karyne.

" Hey, there's a McDonald's in this hospital. You guys want anything?" asked Pamela.

" Yes!" we all said in unison.

" Okay, I guess we'll all go. Leah, Josh you guys coming?" asked Kenny.

" Nahh, we're gonna stay here.", said Josh. After that, everyone left to get McDonald's.

" Oh Leayah! Get me 2 Crispy Ranch Snackwraps, a medium fry, and a medium fruit punch.", I shouted as she was walking away. She nodded and she then disappeared.

" I hope that Sterling is okay.", I said worriedly.

" Yeah me too.", said Josh. It was silent.

" Leah, you know I love you right?" said Josh.

" Yeah if course."

" And we've been dating for a year now and..."

" And?"

" I wanted to ask, if you wanted to live together."

" Um...", I hesitated.

" If you don't want to, I understand."

" No! I actually would like to live with you, Josh." We both smiled and shared a long kiss.

" Ahem." We turned around to see Dr. Corey.

" Is you guys Sterling's friends?"

" Yeah."

" Well, her baby is now born." Both looked at each other and slowly walked in the room. I texted Leayah and told her that Sterling's baby was born. As we walked in the room, we saw Sterling in a pool of sweat and her holding the baby. Peter was standing beside the bed, feeling the baby's hair. We anxiously walked in.

" Hey guys.", Sterling said serenely.

" Hey. How ya feeling?" I asked.

" Okay." Then we turned around to see all our friends by the door.

" Come in guys. Don't be scared.", said Peter. Everyone else came in and circled the bed. In Sterling's arms, was a beautiful baby. It had Peter's eyes and Sterling's hair. It was wrapped in a pink blanket.

" It's a girl.", said Valeria.

" Guys, I want you to meet Harmony." We all smiled as we watched the baby open it's eyes to see the world.

" Valeria?"

" Yeah?"

" I want you to be the godmother of Harmony. I've known you for the longest and you've been there for me for everything.", said Sterling.

Valeria shed a tear. " It would be my honor." Sterling handed the baby to Valeria and we all stood there together.

Like a family.

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