C.C | You Can't Have Kids

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Summary: You and your boyfriend Cody talk about your future together and having a family, later on you find out you can't have kids and must break the news to him.

You stood waiting for your boyfriend Cody at the airport. He'd just been travelling doing promo with the cast of Teen Wolf and you'd missed him more than anything. You'd been together for years and you were as close as anything, so you hated whenever he had to leave you for work, but you understood. Your stomach was filled with nerves and butterflies, you didn't take your eyes off the gate once.

Then people started to come out, greeting their loved ones, you stood on your tiptoes trying to look for your boyfriend. After a few more minutes, you spotted him and your heart stopped. His eyes scanned around before landing on you and his lips formed a grin which matched yours. You jogged over to him before he let go of his case and enveloped you in his arms, his scent filling your nostrils, you felt whole again.

When you parted, your lips crashed together and you felt that spark that you always felt whenever you kissed him. Cody pulled away and ran his hand through your hair.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too" you smiled, hugging him again once more.

"Are you hungry? We could pick some food up on the way home, or order a pizza its your choice" you asked and he smiled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you both started to walk to the exit.

"Pizza sounds good."


Once Cody and you got home, you didn't hesitate making up for lost time, which meant ripping each others clothes off and your bodies tangled together. After your shenanigans, you both showered and whilst Cody just wore a pair of grey sweatpants, you slipped into a cosy onesie you owned.

You ordered pizza and cracked a beer open for your boyfriend whilst you settled for a can of coke. You carried your drinks into the living room and you handed the bottle to Cody who thanked you by pulling your body onto his so you were straddling him.

"So how did promo go?" you sipped your coke.

"Really well, everybody's excited to see the new episodes" Cody replied whilst picking at a loose thread on your onesie. "It just wasn't as fun knowing you weren't with me."

"I know..but I'm always right here waiting for you, and we always Skype and call and snapchat" you ran your hand through his hair before leaning down and pecking his cheek.

"I know" your boyfriend smiled. "I love you so much."

"And I love you too"

"And I can't wait for you to be Mrs Christian one day, and we can have a cute little family together" Cody explained and the thought of all of that happening made your heart melt.

"I want that more than anything" you pressed your lips to his for a few seconds. The doorbell chimed and you grinned.

"Pizzas here!"


A few months later...

Cody Christian / Theo Raeken → ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now