T.R | "I want everything to stop."

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Summary: You are Stiles's little sister, so you know just how much he despises Theo Raeken, especially after the Chimera betrayed the pack. At first you were furious and heartbroken, but you can't fight your feelings with him, and as toxic as he is, he's addictive. Sneaking into your room late at night is a regular thing, and hiding from your brother makes it all the more exciting. One night when he sneaks into your room, you find yourself admitting how depressed you've been feeling.

It was late, the sky outside her darkened into a murky black with the odd shining stars dotted around. I poured myself a glass of water before making sure all of the lights were off downstairs and heading up to my room. On my way, I stopped outside my brother's room, his door slightly ajar. I pushed it open slightly, making it creak and I spotted my brother examining his crime board as usual. His eyes landed on me and I flashed him a small smile.


"Night, sis" He returned the expression and I closed his door, continuing to my own room. When I entered, I also closed my door, since I hated leaving it open. I placed my glass of water on my bedside table and switched my lamp on, dimly lighting my room. I sat cross legged on my bed and picked up my book, reading and reading, getting completely engrossed into it.

Tap! Tap!

I tore my eyes off the paper when I heard the tapping from my window. I found myself smiling giddily, immediately knowing who it was. I closed my book and placed it on my desk, getting up and pulling my curtains apart to reveal the Chimera on the other side of the glass. I unlocked the window and pushed it open, watching him climb in, his feet hitting the floor with a quiet thud.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the words never came out because the impatient man had already captured my lips with his. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, his musky scent lingering around my nostrils, making me melt into his embrace even more. I felt myself swooning as I got lost in the feeling of his soft lips against mine, and the way my whole body heated up when he wrapped his arms around me. Eventually, our lips disconnected with a pop, his beautifully devilish green eyes boring into mine.

"Um, hi" I whispered breathlessly.

"Hi" He smiled that goddamn smile and watched me sit back down on my bed.

"What're you doing?" Theo questioned curiously, flopping down beside me.

"Oh, I was just reading" I shrugged. "How was your day?"

"Good" Theo copied my shrug and picked up my hand, lacing it into his. "How about yours?"

"Oh it was..well, you know" I shrugged again and cursed at myself stupidly.

"It was what?" Theo furrowed his eyebrows.

"It was fine" I plastered the same smile as always on my face, except this time Theo could see through it.

"Talk to me," His voice rasped deeply. "Please don't bottle things up."

"It's stupid" I looked down at my lap and picked at a loose thread from my shorts. Theo cupped my chin in his hand and forced me to look at him.

"Nothing you say is stupid, Y/N."

A long sigh passed through my lips and I looked away, the darkness filling my insides. "I've just not really been myself recently. I just..don't feel anything anymore" I admitted. "How do you mean?" I heard the concern in the Chimera's voice.

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