T.R | Heartbreak

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(A/N: I'm not entirely sure what tense I prefer writing imagines in tbh 😂 so I apologise if they're a little mixed up, just experimenting haha)

Summary: In which your relationship with Theo has gone drastically downhill and you know you have to make a heartbreaking decision.

You'd be lying if you said you hadn't fallen at Theo Raeken's feet from the first glance. With his devilish emerald eyes, tempting lips, broad figure and perfectly styled hair — as soon as he stepped foot in Beacon Hills, every girl found him fascinating.

When he claimed he wanted into the pack, despite Stiles's continuous complaints of him not being who he says he is, you couldn't not trust him. You were drawn to him. He was your drug and you were his victim. At first, his intentions were to use you to be accepted into the pack, but slowly, he grew genuine feelings for you, and it was no longer meaningless.

Of course, when you learnt about his plan, you were horrified. You felt completely betrayed and the pain that came with it was unbearable. You didn't stay mad at him for long, because he never gave up on you. You found yourself melting into his arms like chocolate fondue, hiding your relationship from your friends, who continued to hate him.

It was after he got dragged to hell by his dead sister that they realised the truth. When you had collapsed to the ground, pounding your fists against the floor, willing for the love of your life to come back to you. They didn't approve of it, but they knew you were heartbroken enough, and needed all the friendly faces you could get.

And then the Ghost Riders decided to try and corrupt the town, erasing one of your packmates, Stiles Stilinski, from reality. It was in desperate need that Liam and Hayden reluctantly brought Theo back, and took him to Scott's house. When you laid your eyes on him for the first time in too long, your body filled with warmth, and disbelief.

After much disagreement, you all stopped the Wild Hunt and Theo was back with you again, much to your friends' distaste towards him. At first it was great. He moved in with you and your mother. You were in the honeymoon stage of your relationship, where it all felt like a dream. But as time passed, things changed.

You became less affectionate towards each other, well it was mostly him. You hardly spent any time together, properly as a couple. You never shared heart to hearts anymore. You rarely exchanged a loving smile. It annoyed you, because the truth was, you loved him and you thought he loved you.

You gave everything up for him. When he turned on your friends, despite it all, you didn't turn your back on him. When they insisted he went back in the ground to rot with his sister, you fought against them all by yourself. You moved him into your home and gave him a second chance at life. Now it had all turned sour.

Walking through the door late at night after finishing your long shift at the diner you worked at, you came home to the usual. Theo in front of the TV silently, the whole house in darkness. Your mother was away for work, so it had just been the two of you for the past week.

"I'm home!" You called out, hanging your bag on the end of the stair bannister and laying your keys on the kitchen counter, the metal clattering against the marble. You received a predicted, quiet in here from your boyfriend, causing you to roll your eyes. In fact it made you want to burst into tears. Because finally it had hit you just how much of a car crash your relationship had become.

Appearing in the living room doorway, you stared into the back of his head with your arms folded, wanting to say something. But where were you meant to begin? Clearing your throat, he barely glanced over his shoulder, muttering quietly. "Hi."

"We need to talk." The words blurted out of your mouth before you could stop them. A low hum erupted from his throat, yet no further reaction. Storming around to him, you snatched the TV remote from his hand, switching it off. Darkness swallowed the room. "What are you doing? I was watching that!" Theo complained, pointing to the now-black screen.

"I said we need to talk." You repeated, separating each word. He raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Okay. . . So talk."

"Theo, you know how much I care about you," You started shakily. "But things aren't the way they used to be, anymore. In fact it's beyond a joke."

"What are you talking about?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"Look at us!" You opened your arms, indicating to the pair of you. "We barely talk to each other anymore. We rarely show affection to one another. You don't greet me with a kiss when I come home anymore, I just come home to this. You don't cuddle me in bed anymore, you just— stick to your side and I stick to mine."

"Where are you going with this?" Theo trailed off, his body tensing.

"I just. . . I think we're lying to ourselves now for the sake of being together. What I'm trying to say is. . . I can't live like this anymore!" You exclaimed, tears pricking your eyes and glossing them up.

"Are you. . . Are you breaking up with me?" Theo's eyes washed over with shock, fear, confusion. "Believe me, I'm doing you a favour." You sniffled, wrapping your arms around yourself.


"Theo, you don't love me anymore!" You stated as the tears finally slipped from the corners of your eyes. "Just admit it, because it's clear to me now."

"That's not true! I-I do love you, Y/N!" He stammered over his words, standing up and reaching out for your hands, however you flinched away shaking your head. "I-I know I've mistreated you, and I'm sorry! Tell me how to fix this, please." He pleaded.

"There's no way of fixing this, T." You tried to swallow the lump blocking your throat. "We're broken, and you know it."


"No!" You snapped, raising your voice unintentionally. "It's over, Theo. We are over."

"N-No, Y/N please. I can't— I can't lose you." Theo croaked as he found himself crying too. "I do love you, I do! I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Just please let me fix this!"

"I'm sorry," You breathed out, striding back over to the door and looking back at him. "You'll thank me one day."

And that was it.

Part 2?

Cody Christian / Theo Raeken → ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now