C.C | Bonfire Night

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Summary: Your boyfriend Cody flies over to the UK, where you live with your family, to surprise you on Bonfire Night.

I stood in front of the mirror hung on my bedroom wall, trying to decide what to wear for my family's annual Bonfire Night celebration. The fifth outfit I'd tried on was a floaty white dress with lace patterning on the sleeves, with an oversized grey cardigan on top to give me some extra warmth due to England being the coldest especially in the fall. I smiled, feeling this was the one.

My eyes glanced up at the polaroid lodged into the corner of my mirror, a photo of Cody and I. It was taken when I visited him on the set of Teen Wolf. We were snuggled up in his trailer watching Netflix. Looking at it made me miss him even more, but I understood this was his job plus the fact we're both placed on opposite sides of the world.

Shaking my head, I smiled and tidied the rest of my clothes before skipping downstairs just as people had started arriving. "Hey, sweetie!" My nanna smiled widely and pulled me into a hug, making me laugh and pat her back. "Hey, Nan." She stepped back and locked a curl of my hair around her finger. "You look lovely! Is Cody here?" She looked around expectantly.

"No, he's working." I told her, feeling a pang of sadness in my chest. My nanna smiled again, but it held more sympathy and she rubbed her hand up and down my arm. "I'm gonna go say hello to your mother." She informed me before I nodded and watched her walk away. I entered the dining room to see the little boy known as my brother, stuffing vanilla cake into his gob, blue frosting staining his lips and chubby cheeks.

"Easy you," I chuckled whilst shaking my head and ruffling his hair. "You don't want to get tummy ache now do you?"

He shook his head and swallowed the food in his mouth, before cluelessly blurting out the same words. "Is Cody here?" I sighed heavily and smiled myself, shaking my head and grabbing a napkin from the table. "No, he's working honey." I wiped away the thick substance from his face and hands. "I miss him." He pouted cutely. "Yeah, me too." I mumbled, standing up and holding out my hand. "Shall we go see if cousin Tom is here?"

Nodding, he accepted it and pulled me into the kitchen where most of our family were conversing with drinks in their hands. He ran over to the slightly older boy, and I decided to leave him to it. Grabbing a can of coke, I popped it open and gulped down the sharp bubbly beverage, winding myself between guests and having small talk with them.

Stepping out into the back yard, it was definitely quieter than inside and I plopped myself on a log by the bonfire. Exhaling, I closed my eyes and longed to feel my boyfriend's arms around me again. My eyebrows furrowed when I could quite literally feel just that. His embrace. I fluttered my eyes open when I felt a breath on my neck and I looked behind my shoulder to see him.

My jaw dropped and I slowly rose from the log with wide eyes. His lips formed a pearly smile and in one of his hands, he held a bouquet of ruby roses. My lips opened and closed, willing for something to come out of my mouth, but I couldn't form a sentence, so instead I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into the crook of his neck.

The butterflies in my stomach were having a party for sure, and I couldn't control the tears leaking from my eyes. Finally parting, my glassy orbs looked deep into his and I felt the pads of his thumbs wipe away the dampness surrounding my cheeks. "Don't cry, baby." He whispered, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. "I...I thought you were working?" I frowned quizzically.

"I was," He chuckled. "Jeff let me have a few days off so I could fly here and see you." He explained, redness tinting his skin. "So.. Here I am."

"You came all the way here for me," I mumbled shakily. "What on earth did I do to deserve you?"

"I could name many things," Cody inched closer if that was even remotely possible. "But right now I just wanna kiss you."

I smiled as he pressed his lips against mine, my body melting in his arms. We could've stayed here forever, but a certain little boy came running over, causing us to part. "Cody! Cody!" I watched my little brother's face light up and my boyfriend scooped him up off the ground, holding him on his hip.

"Hey, buddy!" I couldn't help but grin in awe as I watched them converse. Slowly, each of my family members greeted Cody and we all gathered for the fireworks. My boyfriend stood behind and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head.

We watched the colours illuminating the dark sky, whirling, howling, crackling running through our ears. Tilting my head up, I smiled lovingly at Cody. "I love you." The words ran off my tongue clearly, despite the commotion of noises happening.

Tightening his embrace around me, he returned the expression. "I love you too, Y/N."

Cody Christian / Theo Raeken → ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now