Magcon Dirty Imagines

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Hey guys we are starting a new book of dirty one shots of all the magcon boys please feel free to leave requests.


I ran upstairs into the room nash and I shared and shut the door and locked it as fast as I could. He had just gotten home from magcon and was really edgy. I being the curious person I am made the mistake of asking him why he was so upset.

He told me to leave him alone but I asked one more time trying to make sure he was okay, even bigger mistake. He grabbed the glass vase that was on the table an smashed it on the ground.

Something I noticed since we have been dating for almost three years is to let nash sort out his own problems, but he would usually always let me help a little.

But Not this time....

This time he was being aggressive and ruder then usual

"I don't want your fucking help bitch! Your the fucking problem!" He shouted rubbing his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Nash I don't know why you are doing this and I'm sorry that I care so much about you obviously that was a bad Idea..." I whispered as tears slowly started falling from my eyes.


I ran upstairs to my our room and slammed the door and running over to our bed and lying down.

I can't believe he said that to me! I don't care how mad he was that was too far!

I started crying louder until I heard a silent knock on the door.

"Babe?" I heard nash whisper from the other side of the door, that was the last thing I wanted to happen right now.

"What do you want nash?" I said wiping away some of my tears off my cheeks.

"Can I come in?" He asked sounding sorry, which he should!

"Am I still useless?" I asked as tears started to form in my eyes again.

He opened the door and ran over to me on the bed and hugged me.

" you know I didn't mean that I don't know what I would do without you... I love you." Nash said kissing my nose.

"You don't act like it..." I mumbled.

A smirk form on Nash's face I can only imagine what he was thinking. He took of his shirt and you bit your lip admiring his gorgeous torso.

"I can show you how much I love you!" He winked at me and got above me while I was lying down and started to kiss my lips.

Nash pulled up your shirt and ran his hands up and down your back as the kissed continued. The coolness of his hands was a shock but you didn't mind as the shivers ran up and down your spine.

Then Nash grabbed your hand in his and left a beautiful kiss on your knuckles.

"this is all for you, the love of my life" Nash said as he winked at you.

He climbed out from the covers and made his way and kneeled where your feet rested. Nash gently placed his hands on your feet and massaged as his hands slowly but surely made their way up your bare legs.

As he reached the top of your thighs he stopped, just to be a tease even though he knew he was turning you on. Completely ignoring where you need him most. Nash looked up and climbed back up to your face, straddling your waist making you more impatient.

"I hope you know I love you"

"I think I have an idea, but you should still prove it." You smirked back.

He kissed you this time It was simple and sweet, as if he were saying he was sorry. Just his soft lips on yours. You moved your hands up to run them through his tousled hair as you tugged waist which was already grinding your core.

"I need you babe" you whimpered.

Nash smirked as he lay down between your legs. You opened your legs as wide as you could. To show him how much you needed him. He chuckled lightly to himself, as he reached up to take your panties off. You were biting your lip in the process. You knew your hands were already starting to get clammy but that didn't mattered.

Nash wasted no time. He covered your clit with his lips and started sucking. It felt fucking amazing. You were moaning Nash's name like crazy.

"Nash, I want you." You managed to say.

Nash took no time to pull down his pants and put on a condom that were I. Your bed side table. Nash grabbed his tip and dragged it between your folds spreading your wetness. He didn't keep this up for long because he couldn't control himself, he needed to be inside you just as much as you wanted him there.

"Meagan this feels so good"

He squeezed his eyes tightly together and threw his head back letting out soft grunts of pleasure. He looked so hot above you. He thrust into so hard that your boobs started to bounce, which made nash go crazy.

"babygirl you look so hot under me right now"

He leaned down so that your chests were now touching. Your nipples rubbing against his toned chest. Nash's face was inches from yours so he put his head in your neck and started sucking making you go crazy.

"fuck nash, please don't stop" you managed to moan.

it felt so good, You arched your back so he could go even deeper. Nash lifted himself up from his elbows to his hands so he could.

You moaned his name over and over. He was just so hot, the sweat dripping down from his hair to the sides of his face. Nash thrust back into you, hitting your g spot perfectly each time.

"aren't you glad you listened, huh" he teased.

"hmm yes nash." You panted not wanting him to ever stop.

Your breathing became erratic as you let out short moans of pleasure and you dug your nails in Nash's back as you could feel the verge of the best orgasm of your life.

He went back down with his chest pressed against yours and nuzzled his face into your neck, leaving love bites wherever he pleased again.

"I'm gonna.... I'm gonna cum" he panted into between thrusts.

His thrusts got slower but much stronger and he edged himself closer. He held onto your boobs and pinched your nipple hard as he groaned your name so loud. You ran your hands through his hair and pulled his head up so you could look him in his beautiful blue eyes.

Nash grabbed your waist and pulled your hips up into his. You moaned his name as your walls tightened around Nash's cock. His stomach clenched and his whole body lurched forward. You both went into a complete state of euphoria. Nash's cum shot in random spurts filling you up with his warmth.

It felt amazing. You wanted to stay like this forever wwith Nash. As the pleasure died down, you clung to his biceps and he gently pulled himself out of you, which made you a little upset.

"you are so perfect and I love you so fucking much Meagan, I was just being an idiot and I promise I will never do that again." he said gently kissing your lips.

"I love you too" you responded and you two cuddled the rest of the night.


First one what did you guys think?

Magcon Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now