Taylor Caniff for Shante

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Taylor is your brothers best friend which means he comes over a lot.

He is actually at your house at this moment. You are sitting in your room listening to music when you hear a knock on the door. You roll your eyes and get up off your bed and open your door.

"Hey shante, I'm gonna go to the store, Taylor is down stairs." Your brother says before turning around and walking away. You roll your eyes, you never really got along with Taylor so you really didn't care. But you can't deny that he is sexy.

You hear the front door close then you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Your door opens and Taylor steps in.

"Can I help you??" You ask groaning.

"I want you." Taylor says looking straight into my eyes.

"What?" You ask kinda confused.

"I want you... I need you" Taylor says walking to your bed and pushing you down, pressing his lips you mine.

"W-why?" I ask between the kiss.

"You're sexy as hell and I've always imagined how good you would be in bed." He says leaning over and sucking your neck.

"Taylor my brother won't be gone that long." You say holding in a moan as he finds your sweet spot.

"I'll be quick then." Taylor says running his hand up your thigh. At that moment you give in moaning softly. He smirked and took your shirt off in one quick smooth move. He smirks again realizing you have no bra on. He pulls you so that you are laying down. He unbuttons your pants sliding them down along with your panties leaving you completely naked in front of him. He bites his lip taking in your appearance. You suddenly get really insecure, he sure does notice.

"Stop that shante you're gorgeous and you have no reason to be insecure", he says kissing your stomach right above you bellybutton.

"You're still dressed" you say pouting. He chuckles and undresses leaving him in his underwear.

"You take these off" he says with a smirk. You sit up and hook your fingers into the elastic of his boxers pulling them down slowly. His length caught your attention you smiled. He pushes you back up the bed. He runs two fingers up and down your slit. Stoping and giving your clit a good rub.

"YAAAAS" you moan in a low voice.

"You're so wet for me baby" Taylor says smirking up at you. He slides two two fingers inside you and starts moving them in and out. After a minute or two he pulls them out and brings them to his mouth licking them clean.

"You taste amazing babygirl" he says before leaning over you and positioning himself at your entrance. He slams into you, causing you to moan out in pain. He ignores it and pulls almost all the way out before slamming into you again. He does it a few more times then he slows letting you get the pleasure you deserve. You feel that very familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"Tay-Taylor I'm close." You say closing your eyes.

"Me too" he groans out and he continues to slide in and out of you. Soon both of you hit your highs and he slows letting you both ride out your orgasms. He pulls out of you and smiles. He kisses you softly on the,lips for the first time.

"I like when you kiss me.." You say shyly.

"I like kissing you." He says kissing you again and then getting up and putting on his clothes. He smiles cheekily at you and you giggle. He walks down the stairs, not five minutes later you hear your brother walking through the front door..


This is dedicated to magconboys123 !

Hope you like it! I got inspired by some other smut to make this one!

-Julia (@_juliahoran_)

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