Jack Johnson for Arianna

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Hey guys we are still taking requests :)

This is a request for Arianna

"I'm not lying jack it was just my neighbor!" Arianna shouted getting annoyed at the fact that jack thought she was cheating on him he had been really protective of her lately and getting jealous really easy.

You opened the car door and walked up the stairs to your house where jack was visiting you. You were looking through your purse trying to find the keys so you could get inside and not have this conversation outside so all your neighbors could hear.

"Really Arianna your just neighbors? Sure that's why you were alone together holding hands?!" Jack was now raising his voice, I really didn't want people to wonder what's going on. I mean they barely ever hear me since I keep to myself so much or and gone visiting jack.

"Jack can you please lower your voice, and we can finish this conversation inside.." You said opening your front door and stepping inside waiting for jack to follow but he just stood there looking at you.

"WHY CANT WE TALK OUT HERE? IF YOUR JUST NEIGHBORS WHY CANT WE TALK OUT HERE ARIANNA?" He shouted he was being a little kid and what me and Tyler were talking probably isn't something he wanted to be shout out for the whole neighborhood to hear.

"Because jack what taylor and I were talking about-" jack cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine.

We walked back and jack closed the door and didn't break his lips off of mine for a second.
We kept walking back until my back hit a wall causing me to jump a little.

"We should got upstairs so I can show you why your with me and not that Tyler kid..." Jack said bringing his lips back down to mine, for some reason I was very turned on. I felt bad about what he thought but you know what I'll tell him after...

"Jack-" jack pushed his finger Infront of my lips.

"Shhhh, jump." He whispered into my ear.

I jumped and I now had my legs around his waist and his hands were on my butt. He carried my up the stairs and into my room and over to my bed.

"Jack do you have a-" jack cut me off again.

"Condom? Yeah but we don't need it. where were we?" He asked as he started moving his hands under my shirt and started rubbing my breasts while leaving love bites along my next.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused rubbing his bare back with my hands nervously.

"I'm gonna show you all the things I can do to you, and how good I can make you feel. Don't worry babe it will be safe." I felt a smirk on his lips as he continue to leave marks on my neck.

He pulled my t-shirt over my head and I clasped my bra. He brought his hand to one of you boobs and started massaging it while he suck on the other causing you to moan his name.

"Jack pleased don't tease me." You begged.

"Only if you promise me to follow one rule," he carefully pulled down your panties, "no touching me, got it?"

"yes, please just fuck me jack!"

"mm, she's so wet. perfect" he grinned

he kissed your inner thighs, teasing you with each kiss. not once did he go where you needed him most.

getting frustrated, you curled your hands through his hair and pulled his head to your entrance.

his head snapped back, "no" he said sternly


he chuckled and shook his head.

"you never learn do you? no touching means no touching. i'm gonna have to stop babe" he started to move away.

"no, no, no, please no jack" you squirmed your legs around in protest.

"i guess i'll just have to then" he tied your legs down too.

luke dragged his fingers along your slit and pressed hard into your clit, causing you to let out a loud moan.

"oh god yes jack, more"

he stuck one of his fingers in you and started pumping it slowly in and out, hitting your g spot every time.

"fasterrr" you moaned out.

he put two more of his fingers in, stretching you out. his hand started pumping faster, "you like that baby? huh, when i finger fuck you"

"yes jack!" you screamed, feeling your high quickly approaching.

he started using his other hand to rub your clit in small circles, the pleasure was so intense, it felt like you were going to explode.

"fuck, i'm gonna Ariaana"

"shittt" you squeezed your eyes shut and relaxed your body as your high took over your body. you saw stars and your back arched as best it could, still being tied down.
Jack kept pumping his fingers in and out, as you rode out your climax.

Jack licked up all of your juices off of his fingers and hugged you.

"Can Tyler make you feel that good?"

"Jack, I need to tell you something." You whispered.

"He makes you feel better doesn't he? I knew it..."

"Jack no, Tyler just figured out he's gay and he didn't know how to tell his dad, he wanted my advice.... He actually thinks your attractive..." I giggled into jacks neck.

"Oh well, um... Whoops" he laughed.

" yeah whoops... Can you sing to me jack please?"

"Sure baby..."

The rest of the night you two cuddled while jack sang to you.


How was that?

I didn't have an idea so I just went with it ahaha.....


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