Sam wilkinson

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Idk I guess ones a part of magcon so here is one of sam


You and Sammy moved in together for college, and your parents both agreed because you guys have been together for awhile now. You leave for a day because you had to finish up a project at school and when you come back, let's just say stressed boiled up.

You scanned the room. Seeing piles of clothes on the ground, paper scattered everywhere, and dishes piling up. You felt yourself ball your hands into fists.

"It's been one day, I was out for one day, and when I come back this happens." you muttered angrily.

"Sam. Wilkinson. Where the hell are you?" you yelled silently inside.

You started in his room. Picking up his clothes and folding them. Making his desk into a neat pile and fixing his bed. "You are such a dog." you spat.

You eventually ended up cleaning the whole house. You sighed in relief as you slammed your body onto the couch. Your eyes started to slowly close, when suddenly the door swung open.

"Babe, I missed you! Are you going to make dinner?" You shrugged him off and continued to close your eyes.

He moved closer to you. Kissing your eyelids and running his hand up and down your thighs. Did you pick up the mail? Did you clean the windows? Have you seen the sink? Did you pick up my buttons up from -"

"Sam. Shut up." you murmured as you pushed his hand away.

"Did you do it or no?" he questioned. You ignored it and continued to drift away.

"Damn (Y/N), I always do everything around here. I give over 100% and all you do is-"

You sat up and you stared at him in shock. "Are you kidding me. Sam are you kidding me? You don't do shit. You know why your room is so clean? Cause I do it. Your bathroom? I clean it. Your closest? I organize it. And I'm just so tired of your inconsideration and bullshit. This relationship isn't 50-50 it's more like 90-10. Maybe even more." You retorted.

With that you got up, and headed to your room. You made sure you slammed the door loud enough for Sam to hear. "I hope you heard that you asshole!"You screamed.

You grabbed your ear phones and plugged it into your phone. Blasting on your music. "How can one person be so closed minded? I do all his fucking shit." You yelled in your mind.

Soon your eyes started to close once again, but you heard a knock.

"Babe, it's me. Let me in." You decided to not reply. Maybe he'll be smart enough and know not to come in.

"If you don't open it I'm coming in no matter I have to do."

You rolled your eyes and continued to ignore the knock.

"Damn babe, why are you so -"

With that he unlocked the for and swung it open.

"Why are you so rude?" Sam asked annoyed. "I learned it from you. You don't even realize I'm the person doing everything for you. You don't do shit. Like when I come home from school I do your chores, than I have to shower, eat and study. Than my days done." "Why are you getting so upset over-"

"Over these little things? Because they add up Sam. I'm tried. Look at me. I'm breaking out. I'm tired. I'm losing it. Why can't you see that sometimes I need to relax too?" you whispered.
You felt your earphones get removed from your ears. You felt his arms wrap around you and felt his body pressed against yours.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I know I should help more. But I have just come so dependent on you. And it's a bad thing, because what happens if we break up one day, who's going to do things for me?" He said softly as he played with your hair.

"Why do you think that we might break up?"

"Because, now that you told me, you are really tired. I was just so stupid to see it. You deserve someone -"

You flipped your body, so now you guys were face to face. "Shut up Sam. If I wanted to break up with you I would have."

You were about to start a new sentence, but his soft lips pressed onto yours. Making you lose your thoughts. "Baby,I'm sorry. I'll try to help more. I'll try to be independent. I won't ask you for help for everything." He whispered.

You felt yourself move towards his chest, and laid your head on it.

"Your so stupid. I would do anything for you, just that the little things that you could help me with you don't. So I feel like you take me for granted."

"Babe your stupid too. I will never take you for granted. I love you." He said as he smashed his lips onto yours. Slowly slipping his tongue in, and his hands slid under your shirt.

"Not today Sam, if you want this, you have to work for this." You laughed.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked innocently.

"Maybe. If you kiss me like that again." You smirked.

"No problem." As he pulled you into am embrace and moved your lips towards his. Feeling his warmth against you, was one of the best feelings ever. Just a little thing like that, can be the most wonderful feeling to a person.


Note : not entirely mine

Quick update for you guys :)

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