Matt (y/n)

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All month Matt has been working nonstop on new video and vine ideas and he hasn't been sleeping much I was starting to worry a little bit.

I lay belly down on mine and matt's bed, in one of his shirts and my laced panties. "Matt! Come to bed already!" I whine. He's been working nonstop lately.

"Y/N, you know I'd love to just snuggle with you, but I'm really busy. I'll be there in a second." Matt said. He was sitting at the little desk in the corner of our room.

I know there was only one thing I could say to get him to pay attention to me. "Baby! But I'm horny." I shove my face in his sweet smelling pillow. There's quiet for a while and then I hear his chair pulling back. His footsteps nearing. He sits on the edge of the bed, near my ass.

"What was that?" He asked. His hand rested on my butt and he squeezed.

I gasped and lifted my face from the pillow. "I said I'm horny. So do something about it." I know my boyfriend so well, that I know for a fact he's smirking with out even looking at him.

He slaps my ass and playfully pulls on my panties. Not yet taking them off. I turn around so that I'm laying on my back and could see Matt. He hovers over me and winks. Then slowly slides my shirt-well, his shirt- up my stomach.

He licks and nibbles just above my pantie line and I let out a soft moan. He goes lower and plants butterfly kisses over my core. I gasp in pleasure as his hands rub my thighs.

"Tell me what you want baby." Matt says against me. I know exactly what I want but I hate saying it. Matt of course knows this, but enjoys torturing me. "Tell me or I'll leave you like this and go back to work."

I groan in frustration. "I want you to eat me out." I know Matt is loving this.

"That's my girl." He says before ripping my panties off with his teeth. Immediately, he goes to work. And his fans think he's good with his mouth, they have no idea.

I ride his face, screaming and moaning pulling on his hair and clenching the blankets. "Matt! Oh- aahhh." I release into his mouth

"There you go baby." Matt says.

His hand pulls on his jeans and I could tell they're tight now. "My turn." I say while unbuttoning his pants. His eyes gleam with excitement. With his help I pull down to jeans to reveal his erection in his boxers.

I run my hand over his manlyhood. And his eyes flutter. Smiling, I pull his boxers down and am rewarded with his large member. I grab ahold of him and jerk my hand.

I place my mouth over him and he let's out a sigh. I work my magic on him as he moans and groans until he erupts into my mouth. I swallow like a champ.

"Damn Y/n. You're good at that." Matt says with a smile. He pulls me up and engulfs me in his arms.

"You're pretty amazing yourself." I laugh. He kisses the top of my head. "I love you." I whisper.

"And I love you more baby."

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