(Clean) His favorite thing about you

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So sorry guys I was gone for a while I'm gonna update today and see if Julia will update something tomorrow :)



He loves how you sing when no one else is around and he thinks your voice is beautiful. The way you could turn any song into something completely amazing in your own way. Sometimes he would sing along but he often zoned off while you sang because you were that good. Sometimes He'd wished you would sing in a vine or a video with him but you were so nervous to sing In front of anyone else but him, which he thought was super cute


Whenever you two were with his family you'd always get flustered and blush whenever she would see you two hugging or even holding hands. All you wanted was for his parents to like you because carter was so close to all of them.


Every time matt would make a joke you would laugh loudly no matter where you were or what it was about. You were so embarrassed about your laugh but each time matt would say something like "your laugh is so adorable"


He'd always would joke around with you but you'd always have good comebacks he just thought it was sexy.


Whenever he was working out you'd come along with him in sweats and one of his t-shirts and not pay attention to how much he would check you out you were so focused and he liked that about you.


He loved how you get along with his siblings so well since they were so close with each-other you seemed to fit right in with the rest of them.(hope this one doesn't sound crazy)

Jack g:

When you two played basket ball you'd be so determined to win, even though you usually wouldn't play but you were up to the challenge. He loved how you were so willing to try new things and try your hardest.

Jack j:

Whenever you were studying you would always do this thing with your face scrunching it up a little so you could concentrate. He found it oddly attractive.


Whenever you two would cuddle on the couch and watch movies you'd always snuggle into neck and rest your head near his. He like you safe he felt while he was around you and he felt so close to you.


When you would Skype while he was awake due to the time difference but since Hayes meant so much to you as soon as you got home you would Skype until the end of the night since you two lived so far away from eachother. He loved how you would sometimes stay up all night and just talk for hours without ever running out of things to say.


So comment who's was your favorite?


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