Matt for shea

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Hey guys this was a request for Shea


You and matt had been at Magcon with all the boys and were getting really sexually frustrated because you and him hadn't been getting much 'fun' time. But you weren't nearly as upset with this as matt was he tried all the time but either one of the boys were around or one of us was busy.

You were all waiting at the airport to fly home from Chicago some of the boys were staying longer but matt, carter, Aaron, and taylor were all going home for a week before the next tour stop.

"are you gonna be joining the mile high club today Shea?" Carter nudged your side as you sat in the airport with the Magcon boys.

"whats the mile high club?"

before carter could answer, matt who was sitting opposite you and matt threw his rolled up magazine at carter "knock it off carter".

Carter laughed at matt "whatever dude"

everyone went back to their phones and books and whatever, waiting to board the plane.
you and matt walked down the tunnel together hand in hand, "so babe, whats the mile high club?" you asked, completely innocent

he went down to whisper in your ear, "its when you have sex in an airplane"

"oh" you started to blush

"its okay babe" he rubbed small circles on your back as you two continued walking down the tunnel to the plane. both you guys has seats next to each other and when the plane took off, you held tightly onto his hand.

you weren't scared of flying but it was nice knowing he was there by your side to hold you hand.

an hour into the long flight matt was getting fidgety, "shea my butt hurts" he groaned shifting in his seat.

"Matt we're barely halfway through the flight can't you wait until we get off the plane?"

"but i'm bored" he rested his hand on your thigh, squeezing lightly, inching closer and closer to your core.

"Matt common we have like a hour, can't you wait?"

your head was resting on his shoulder but you looked up at him. his face was facing away from you but you could tell he was smirking

"i'm ready to join the club babe" you whispered into his ear before biting and sucking on his ear. Matt squeezed onto you tighter

"meet me in the restroom in 1 minute exactly Shea , got it" he said very seriously. he undid his seat belt and quickly made his way to the restrooms.

the 60 seconds were up and you rushed to the restroom you saw matt enter and you knocked twice.

"cmon in babe" you stepped into the miniature bathroom and shuffled around so the two of you could fit and matt locked the door.

"i'm so hard for you Shea" he growled at you

"You know what I can't wait either..."

"Come on I don't want anyone to know what we are doing in here!"

"well then we should get these off" you unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. just enough to access his length and you rubbed his cock a few times before getting on your knees to suck him off

"no baby theres no time" he pulled you back to your feet, and he kissed you on the lips as pulled the hem of your dress up to your waist. he quickly ripped off your panties

"shit Shea you're so wet"

"all for you matt"

Matt wrapped his arms around you and commanded you to jump. he held onto your hips and guided you down onto his cock

"fuck matt," he thrust into you deep

"shh sh quiet babe, someone might hear"

"but you feel so good inside of me"

"i know, i know babe" he brought one hand down to your clit and started rubbing figure eights on your clit. it felt so good. you bit down on his shoulder to muffle your moans
Matt started thrusting even faster as he felt his release approaching

"shit i'm gonna cum Shea" he pinched your clit hard and stilled inside of you

"do it, cmon cum for me matt" he kept thrusting as he released his load inside of you, triggering your own orgasm. your walls clenched and legs trembled

"that was fun" he said to you

"it was, but we gotta get back before the others come looking" he pulled up his pants and handed you your underwear and helped you into them. you checked yourself in the mirror to fix your dishevelled hair and dress before exiting with matt.

the air hostess gave you dirty looks but you didn't care. you barely made it done the aisle wobbling from your weak knees. Matt was behind you and grabbed your arm with one hand and guided your back with his other

"i got you babe"

"So Shea," carter was smirking at me and matt, "I hear your part of the club now."

I looked away and blushed embarrassed that they knew but I should've seen that coming but it was worth it trust me!


There was a different one I don't know if that was good....

Comment who you want next


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