Nashy (y/n)

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You're at a party, sitting on the couch with your best friend, Matt.

"Y/N, what time is it?" He asks out of nowhere. You smile and pull out your phone.

"It's 10:32," you reply. Right as you are about to put your phone back in your pocket, you receive a text from your boyfriend, Nash. It reads, "hey baby, where are you? I want to have fun :)"

You giggle and reply, "I'm sitting on the couch in the back room with Matt. Do you want me to go find you?" You tell Matt that you're going to go find nash, and he nods. You get up and get another text. "No baby just wait there, I'll come to you,"

You instantly respond, "Too late baby, I'm already up," you start checking all the downstairs rooms, but he's nowhere to be found. Soon enough, you climb up the stairs as check every room.

All you see is stramgers making out. Finally, you walk up to the last door, and open it.

Nash is on the bed, in nothing but his boxers. He looks up and smirks at you.

"Hey babe I was looking for you!" You say.

"I'm right here," he smirks again, but in an evil manner. Now you're confused.

"Is something wrong? I mean-" you start to ask but are then cut off by the sound of a door opening up. It's the bathroom door, and coming out of it is some random girl, her hair ratted and her makeup practically smeared all over her face.

"That was so much fun, and you're looking to do that again you should call-oh," she speaks, but then notices you. "Um... Hi y/n," she stutters, and then runs out.

"Is this really what I think it is?" You choke out.

"It's just revenge you bitch," he laughs

"What are you talking about!" You scream out with tears in your eyes.

"Don't even act like you don't know. I saw you making out with Matt." He sneers.

"I wasn't making out with Matt! I wouldn't do that to you! I was trying to find you, but I guess you don't believe me," you sob.

"Yeah, you're right, I don't believe you," he says. You run out the door and to the couch where Matt was sitting. He's still there, and he's making out with some girl who has the same hair color as you. Of course Nash would mistake her for you, you think. But it was too late to forgive him for doing that to you. You walk over to Matt and tap his shoulder. He pulls away from the girl and notices you've been crying.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asks.

"Nash mistook her for me and thought I was cheating and so he went and had sex with another girl for revenge." You croak.

"What a dick. Where is he?" He growls. You look around and see Nash, standing at the top of the stairs, wide-eyed. You mouth, I hope you're happy and run off into the backyard of the house.
Moments later Nash finds you outside.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. I really thought you were her," he cries out.

"I can't even forgive you for this," you say monotonously.

"Please, please forgive me," he pleads. "It was a dick move and I seriously regret it."

"Even if I had made out with him, revenge sex was way too far. I have much more respect for myself than to fall back into the hands of a boy who cheated on me," you say.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry. If I could bring the stars down to you, I would. Please, I just need you to forgive me and this will never happen again. I love you so much. Can you please forgive me?" He asks with sadness in his eyes.

"No. I can't do that to myself," and with that, you walk away, from a stone-cold Nash.


I'll post a dirty one soon

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