Nash (y/n)

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You were at Nash's house filming a video with him, his parents were out with his brothers and sister. Nash got the camera set and you sat on the couch waiting for him to get done

"Okay we're good" he smiled

"Okay" You smiled back putting your phone down.

"Heller" You smiled greeting the fans that are going to watch this "I'm Y/N and I know what you're thinking why am I filming a video on Nash's channel well maybe this will answer you" You smiled and Nash popped out and came onto the the camera screen

"Hey, I'm Chuck and this is my girlfriend Samantha" he said in a nasally voice causing you to laugh your ass off.

"Wait Nash! We can't flim this now!" You panicked

"What why? What's wrong?" He asked worried

"Nash, you didn't mow the lawn" You laughed

"Er mer gerd get out mi face" He said sassy

"Anyway I am doing the girlfriend tag" Nash smiled "This is the girlfriend" he said hugging you, you made a nasty face but we all know you loved it

"whoever loses has to run in the nude down the street" Nash smiled then winked

"No! That's not what we agreed on!"

"I know" He smirked

"Whoever loses has to call their parent and tell them they are or got someone pregnant"

"Jes, obviously Y/N got someone pregnant" Nash said cocky causing you to laugh

"Shut up!" You laughed hitting him lightly

You guys finished the video and surprisingly you lost. You picked up your phone and called your parent Nash was filming the whole thing on his phone and camera.

"Hello?" your mom answered

"Mom, mom I'm freaking out!" You said scared but trying not to laugh

"What's wrong honey?" She asked

"Mom, I love you okay promise you won't be mad?"

"I promise baby what?"

"Mom I'm pregnant"

*Long pause*

"What!?" She yelled "Who's the dad Nash?" "It better be!" "What's wrong with you!?" She yelled you couldn't help but laugh "This isn't funny!" She yelled

"Mom it was joke" You laughed

"Still wasn't funny"

"Mom I have to go I love you"

"Love you too"

When you and Nash filmed the boyfriend tag on your channel he lost

You filmed everything

"Hello?" He dad answered

"Dad, Don't get mad okay?" He said a little scared

"I swear if you broke something I'll end you" His dad said causing you to laugh a little

"No, no I got someone pregnant"

"Who? Y/n?" He asked


"Well, um WHAT?!" He said said shocked "Nash you can't even take care of yourself!" He dad yelled causing you to full out laugh

"Wait... Is this a joke?"

"Yeah" Nash laughed "Say hi"

"Hi everyone!" His dad said and they got off the phone.

"Nice one Mr. Grier" You laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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